EnSciMan PhD Symposium 2024: Empowering Tomorrow: Building Climate Resilience with Generation Green
Topic: ENSCIMAN PhD Symposia
Time: May 3, 2024 11:00 AM America/Toronto
https://torontomu.zoom.us/j/91372472602?pwd=ajF5clp2N1dEejd0UHhCZVVtc3IxQT09 (external link)
Please join us for meaningful conversations on Empowering Tomorrow: Building Climate Resilience with Generation Green.
From wildfires, droughts, extreme flooding, scorching heat, and pollution, there is no doubt that the climate crisis is the biggest challenge faced by humankind. Climate change and government inaction are exacerbating hopelessness and distress in youth all around the world. This year’s symposium seeks to answer one looming question: How can we collaboratively work to ensure all voices are contributing towards creating a green tomorrow? The discussions led by our guest speakers are designed to help and inform individuals across research, industry, and government on how they can support youth to channel their feelings of grief, despair, and hopelessness into purposeful climate action, hence paving a path towards resilience.
To lead and generate insightful and motivational conversations, we have brought together scholars from universities, community-led organizations, and corporations - all experts in their respective fields. Their talks will be focused on bridging diverse experiences in climate research and policy and making space for youth from all backgrounds to become active participants in tackling the climate crisis.
Our keynote is hosted by Dr. Imogen Coe and will include conversations of why science requires all voices at the table, what successful partnership looks like, and how we can ensure youth from all walks of life are able to find their place in STEM. The first speaker session will include the significance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous lived experiences coming together to facilitate climate action. The second speaker session showcases how we can engage youth, who often feel like they do not have a place at the table, to consider where they can fit and move forward on climate action solutions collectively. The event will include a poster session from Urban Water TMU students and TMU broadly, spanning disciplines in science, engineering, geography, public health, immigrant and settlement studies, and food security. Let’s embark on this journey together to exchange innovative ideas, build strong relationships, and find meaningful ways to work towards climate action at all levels of education!
Event Details
The symposium will be an in-person event with light snacks and refreshments, a lunch break and a fun poster session led by fellow TMU students.
Time: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Centre for Urban Innovation (CUI) 2nd floor) - CUI Atrium and CUI 219.
Register here: https://forms.gle/b9YLegpSt359jgQAA (external link)