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3 Books

February 06, 2024
12:00 PM EST - 1:00 PM EST
Website (external link) 


Tuesday February 6
Noon-1:00pm EST

3 Books

Presenter: Reg Beatty

“The model we have created is experimental. It moves design—information design, graphics, typography, formal and rhetorical patterning—to the center of the research questions that it poses. It understands digital and physical making as inextricably and productively intertwined.” –from DIGITAL_HUMANITIES (2012)

Join Reg as he looks at three of his books through a digital humanities lens.

You can preview the books here: (external link) 

Souvenir  (external link) (2014)
Elements of Ruskin  (external link) (with Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, 2014)
A Riot of Type  (external link) (with Emma Fraschetti, Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, and Rebecca Martin, 2019)