Research Partners

If you have an industry, community or government project in mind, the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) can help. Consider partnering with our experts to gain a competitive advantage, solve your problem, meet your objective or reduce the financial risk of innovation. We can give you access to highly specialized facilities and federal and provincial tax credits, as well as assist you with the licensing of new technologies or the training of highly skilled personnel.
Funding & Tax Credits
The Office of the Vice President of Research & Innovation (OVPRI) lists public sector funding programs that encourage university-industry research collaborations. Visit OVPRI’s grants and funding page for a list of public sector sources or contact OVPRI for more information.
Tax refunds and credits are available for companies that partner with FEAS researchers to perform scientific research and innovation for the betterment for Canadians. We recommend that you work with your financial advisor to determine which tax refund or credit best applies to your individual situation.
FEAS Partnerships in Action
At FEAS, every partnership story is a success story. Discover how the following research partnerships are giving industry a competitive advantage and contributing solutions to some of society’s greatest challenges.

Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Urban Energy (CUE), eCAMION and Toronto Hydro partnered to develop the world’s first utility pole-mounted energy storage system that discharges electricity during peak hours. This project was funded in part by Ontario's Smart Grid Fund.

Through the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science and Technology (iBEST)—a partnership between Toronto Metropolitan University and St. Michael’s Hospital—Scott Tsai is shaping the way we diagnose disease.