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Dr. Sri Krishnan

Sri Krishnan
Dean, Professor
BE, MSc, PhD, PEng, FCAE
416-979-5000 ext. 4931

Areas of Academic Interest

Biomedical signal analysis

Wearables/textile computing

Assistive technology

Non-stationary signal processing

Machine learning and AI

Affective computing

Compressive sensing

Audio and multimedia signal processing


Year University Degree
1999 University of Calgary PhD
1996 University of Calgary MSc
1993 College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University BE

Courses Taught

Course Code Course
BME 772 Biomedical Signal Analysis
BME 700, BME 800 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design
EE 8610 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering II


Like all electrical engineering undergraduates, Sri Krishnan was in search of a topic for his fourth-year capstone project. That’s when he got the call that would set the trajectory of his career. His uncle had suffered a heart attack. Krishnan went to the hospital to find his uncle hooked up to heart monitors plotting ECG signals. The waveforms were familiar to Krishnan. They looked the same as the mathematical waves seen in his engineering textbooks. It triggered an idea: Why not apply those mathematical ideas to understanding heart rhythm?

The capstone then led to graduate focus on biomedicine, with Krishnan developing low-cost, non-invasive screening devices for orthopedic surgeons treating knee injuries. He has since returned to cardiovascular applications, beginning with a Toronto General Hospital collaboration that looked into understanding sudden cardiac death. But don’t call Krishnan a biomedical engineer. He has dedicated his career to breaking down silos within engineering through the interdisciplinary study of electrical, computer and biomedical fields. “In an ideal world, engineers would have real interdisciplinary knowledge,” says Krishnan. “That is how students will make an impact going forward.”

 Sri's LinkedIn Profile (external link) 
 Sri's Twitter Profile (external link) 


Professor Sri Krishnan writes on a whiteboard with a blue marker.

“There is a tangible contribution that engineers can make to improve life for people. The applications are immense.”

  • Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
  • Outstanding Canadian Biomedical Engineer Award
  • Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Signal Analysis
  • Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award
  • D. Gurve, S. Krishnan,   Separation of Fetal-ECG from Single Channel Abdominal ECG Using Activation Scaled Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019. Early Access: DOI 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2920356
  • M. Kaleem, D. Gurve, A. Guergachi, S. Krishnan, “Patient-Specific Seizure Detection in Long-Term EEG Using Signal-Derived Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)-based Dictionary Approach, “  Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(5), July 2018 
  • W. Yang, S. Krishnan, “Combining Temporal Features by Local Binary Pattern for Acoustic Scene Classification,” IEEE/ACM Trans on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 25(6), pp. 1315-1321, 2017.
  • J.K. Pant, S. Krishnan “Compressive Sensing of Foot Gait Signals and its Application for the Estimation of Clinically Relevant Time Series,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63(7), pp. 1401-1415, August 2016.
  • E. Baratin, L. Sugavaneswaran, K. Umapathy, C. Ioana, S. Krishnan, “Wavelet-Based Characterization of Gait Signal for Neurological Abnormalities,” Gait and Posture, 41(2), pp. 634-639, February 2015.
  • Co-Director, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Technology (iBEST)
  • Editor, Mathematical Techniques in Biomedical Engineering Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Biomedical Sensors Section of Sensors Journal, MDPI
  • Technical Committee Member of Biomedical Signal Processing, IEEE EMBS
  • Keynote/plenary speaker in 40+ international conferences/workshops