Eric Kam
Curriculum Vitae (external link)
Teaching Fields
Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics, Implications of Monetary Growth
Selected Publications
Kam, Eric, and Parisa Pourkarimi (2022) “The effectiveness of R&D and Advertising on Firm Performance in High-Tech Industries: Evidence from the United States Information and Communications Technology Industry,” Journal of Quantitative Economics, forthcoming
Kam, Eric (2022) “In defense of flexible exchange rates in a small open capitalist economy,” in Some Unsettled Questions in Monetary Macroeconomics, Steven Pressman and John Smithin, eds., London, Edward Elgar, forthcoming
Kam, Eric, and John Smithin (2022) “Money and economic growth revisited,” Theoretical Economics Letters, 12, 1-5.
Kam, Eric, John Smithin, and Aqeela Tabassum (2020) “The Long-Run Non-Neutrality of Monetary Policy: A General Statement in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model,” Review of Political Economy, 31, 202-17.