Nicholas Li
Curriculum Vitae (external link, opens in new window)
Teaching Fields
Development Economics, International Trade
Selected Publications
Li., N. "An Engel Curve for Variety," Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(1), 72-87, 2021.
Li., N. "Accounting for the New Gains from Trade Liberalization," (with Chang-Tai Hsieh, Ralph Ossa and Mu-Jeung Yang), Journal of International Economics, 127, 2020.
Li., N. "Perverse Consequences of Well-Intentioned Regulation: Evidence from India's Child Labor Ban" (with Prashant Bharadwaj and Leah K. Lawdawala), Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(3), 1158-1195, 2019.
Li., N. "Market Structure and Cost Pass-Through in Retail," (with Gee Hee Hong), Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(1), 151-166, 2017.
Li., N. "International Prices, Costs and Markup Differences," (with Gita Gopinath, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Chang-Tai Hsieh), American Economic Review, 101(6), 2450-86, 2011.