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Jean Bruce

Dr. Jean Bruce

Professor and Associate Dean-Graduate Education

Ph.D., Concordia University

M.A., Theory & Criticism, University of Western Ontario

B.A.(Honours), Film Studies, Brock University

Jean Bruce’s academic background is in film theory, media and cultural studies. In particular, she has studied ethnographic cinema, feminist and postcolonial theory, Walter Benjamin, Canadian cinema and cultural studies, discourse analysis, and melodrama. Jean has given public lectures on Canadian cinema, sexuality in the cinema, and Canadian popular culture and has an extensive background in organizing conferences, symposia and film festivals.

Jean is interested in how inter-related concepts reach across media to form part of the larger cultural discourse. The representation of gender and sexuality in cinema, and television, advertising and consumer culture are ongoing research interests. Jean’s current research topic is property or realty television, in particular, gender/genre, class, and the meaning of home. Jean is currently the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at The Creative School.