DiversityLeads 2020
Diverse Representation in Leadership: A Review of Eight Canadian Cities
Canada | 2020
DiversityLeads 2020, supported by TD via the TD Ready Commitment (external link) , analyzes the representation of women, Black people, and other racialized persons among 9,843 individuals on the boards of directors of large companies; agencies, boards, and commissions (ABCs); hospitals; the voluntary sector; and educational institutions. (Directors on the boards of educational institutions and other non-profits are legally responsible for the governance of their institutions.) The report also explores the board-related experiences of people who identify as Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and two-spirit), and persons with disabilities through a qualitative analysis.
Ultimately, the goal of the report is to provide a holistic view of diversity on boards through a quantitative analysis of diverse representation on boards and a qualitative deep dive that explores diverse individuals’ experiences with pursuing and/or holding board positions.
August 2020