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Dr. Rick Valenzano
Assistant Professor
416-979-5000 ext. 554913
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
Automated Planning
Heuristic Search
Reinforcement Learning
Sequential Decision Making
- 2023, IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize
- 2022, IJCAI-ECAI Distinguished Program Committee Member Award
- 2017, AAAI Outstanding Program Committee Member Award
- 2011 and 2014, Winner of the Multi-Core Track of the International Planning Competition
- Program Committee Member for AAAI, SoCS, and NeurIPS
- Reviewer for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Year | Degree | University |
2014 | PhD | University of Alberta (Computing Science) |
2009 | MSc | University of Alberta (Computing Science) |
2007 | BSc | University of Toronto (Computer Science and Mathematics) |