Hope Bozzo

On breaking into the music industry
I was extremely fortunate to grow up in a music-oriented family. I studied bass guitar in college and rocked out in some cool indie bands, putting on small shows in Hamilton and Toronto. I quickly realized that music was something I wanted to develop in professionally. I continued my studies at Toronto Metropolitan University, completing a BA in Creative Industries. From my academics, I was able to network, volunteer, and intern at PR and indie labels. This is ultimately what helped me land my current position at Warner Music.
Advice for emerging creatives that want to stand out in the music industry
✓ Network but do it naturally and organically— I truly believe everything happens at the right place and right time.
✓ Build a profile of projects that show your skillset, creativity and results.
✓ Gain a variety of experience— doesn’t just have to be job related!
✓ Stay up to date on creative industry trends— social media, tech, design, advertising.
On her Monday mornings
My Monday morning starts off with a 7:30am alarm. I might sneak in one snooze button before rolling out of bed and turning on the kettle. Tea or matcha are my go-to. After throwing on some athlete loungewear, I scroll through Twitter while whipping up some breakfast (egg whites and fresh fruit). I’ll crack open my laptop and organize my week and catch up on emails first. Having a to-do list makes my Monday mornings productive and efficient.
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