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Amy Lloyd

Amy Lloyd

Assistant Manager
DepartmentThe Feldman Agency
EducationCreative Industries, Class of 2017

Why did you choose Creative Industries and what were your modules? 

I chose the School of Creative Industries as my undergraduate program partially because I wanted to gain more experience in music, so it was fitting that my modules were Music and Storytelling in Media.


Where did you intern and what did you learn while you were there? 

I did my internship at the City of Toronto in their music office – I was actually the first intern they’d ever had, so I was able to shape the program. In doing that, I planned a panel on music licensing, as well as several live showcases at Nathan Phillips Square. It was through this experience that I learned I loved doing live events and events of any kind. I’ve also stayed in touch with my manager in that role and have been doing music marketing for his son, so I definitely built the right connections in that role, which is really important.


How have you pivoted within your career due to COVID-19? 

When I graduated, I got a job with WE Day, and was with them for almost three years. During that time, I was traveling, putting on shows, and doing artist relations for them. When the pandemic hit, I couldn’t do that anymore, and had to find new ways to stay involved in the arts and events. So, I ended up working on the Van Gogh exhibit during summer 2020, and now I’m one of the managers-on-site at the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. in Toronto, where I helped plan, build, and execute the exhibit. 

Funny enough, when I interviewed for the role, I didn’t know it was Avengers, but when I saw the news in the media and brought it up at my next interview, they confirmed. This interested me even more because I’ve seen firsthand the deep passion for the franchise, the storytelling, and its ability to appeal to diverse audiences. I love it, and I’m happy to be a part of it.