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Workshop 3

Learning & Teaching with Wikidata with Trina Grover

Morning Workshop | 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ONLINE ONLY)

Wikidata is an open technology tool that can be incorporated into learning across disciplines. An open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines, the structured data allows for easy reuse by Wikimedia and other linked data projects. Editing, browsing, and reusing the data is fully multilingual, making Wikidata an ideal platform for engaging with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it.

The workshop covers Wikidata editing and ways in which it can be used in courses and throughout communities to raise critical issues about knowledge production and expertise/authority. Hear how this tool can be used to create spaces for students and community creators to shape public discourse while exposing them to emerging technologies. Participants learn how Wikidata is being used to support community engagement, research and teaching.

About instructors

Trina Grover is a Librarian at Toronto Metropolitan University Library & Archives in Toronto, member of the Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange and of the CFLA Indigenous Matters Committee.

Symposium poster 'Trina Grover'

Toby Malone is a Digital Repository Coordinator at Toronto Metropolitan University. He is currently an MLIS Candidate at the Western University Faculty of Information and Media Studies and co-op student at Toronto Metropolitan University Library, focused on Open Access and digital repositories.

Symposium poster 'Toby Malone'