There are six tools in Brightspace that allow you to control actions based on the start/end dates (Announcements, Discussions, Quizzes, Assignments, Content, Grades). If you're repurposing content from an old course shell, you can use the Manage Dates tool to view a list of objects in your course and edit their date availability values. Use the filter options to narrow down your list of items by tool, date range, duration, and calendar status settings. Dates can be changed individually, or all at once by offsetting the dates forward a specified number of days. D2L can make the calculation for you.
The manage dates tool CAN be used to revise due, start and end dates for Content, Assignments, Quizzes, Announcements, Discussions and Grades.
The manage dates tool CANNOT be used to revise submission views release dates, bulk 'hide' items that were not initially set with a release date ('though you can click on the link to open and adjust individual submission view settings in a new tab).
To use the Manage Dates tool, go to Course Admin > Manage Dates.
Use the filter options to narrow down your list of items by tool, date range, duration, and Calendar status settings.
Use the filter options to narrow down your list of items
If you find that you have a long list of items, it may seem a little unwieldy. You can use the filter options to narrow down the list, making it easier to see what you wish to edit.