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Read more about our xecelerator half day programs


Our intensive half-day programs designed to enhance performance and to develop a strategic mindset on a wide range of topics. View the list of Xcelerator programs.

New open enrolment programs - Learn more about how to enroll

Open Enrolment Programs

We offer a variety of open enrolment programs that fit your learning objectives.

View the list of expert faculty at Ted Rogers School of Management

If you want a different work experience, try a different learning one.

Our experts are leaders in program design, experiential learning and the ways they instruct quicken and embed what you learn. View a sample of our experts and expertise (opens in new window) 

We offer custom programs

No business' challenges are ever the same. All of our tailored programs are created to our clients’ unique needs.

Our partnerships define innovation

We partner in new ways with industry-leading businesses, associations and organizations to meet their practical learning challenges in ways that are more agile, digital and entrepreneurial. More measured and less frantic. More strategic and less reactive. More fearless and less comfortable.