AEM Help
Digital Publishing offers free support year-round for all issues and bugs related to core AEM templates and components. We respond to all queries within 24 hours.

We offer web design, help with content updates, special event content and website features.
Contact us for a quote.

For all Siteimprove & Google Analytics inquiries, please contact Jiwon Bang, User Experience Designer, University Relations.
Run VPN before logging into AEM.
Custom code is not supported in AEM
Digital Publishing supports issues related to the AEM system, core templates and components.
Page templates do not permit the inclusion of CSS or external scripts. This reduces issues related to non-CMS code. If you have still have a site with custom code, please contact your developer before submitting your issue.
Do you supervise an AEM website?
Join the AEM Manager Google Group to receive updates and announcements about AEM content, upgrades and outages.