Urban Water Researchers
Urban Water Researchers are highly involved in the Centre and are regular contributors to Urban Water research projects and intiatives.
Urban Water TMU Member | Faculty | Department | Expertise/Website | Keywords |
Andrew Laursen |
Ecosystem biology, Aquatic systems, Nutrient Export and eutrophication, Greenhouse gases, remediated wetlands, metals in wastewater. https://www.torontomu.ca/cab/facultyandstaff/andrew-laursen.html |
Wetlands, Wastewater, Aquatic Systems |
Bryan Koivisto |
Next-generation photovoltaic technologies, energy and hydrogen storage, water oxidation, artificial photosynthesis, resource recovery from traditional waste, and Director of the Science Discovery zone. https://www.torontomu.ca/solar/ |
Innovation, resource recovery, photovoltaics |
Carolyn Johns |
Arts |
Water policy, Policy implementation networks, and capacity issues, Public sector reform, Comparative environmental policy, Intergovernmental administrative relations. https://www.torontomu.ca/politics/people/faculty/johns-carolyn/ |
Water Policy |
Christopher Wellen |
Arts |
Hydrology and Biogeochemistry in human dominated environments, including agroecosystems and urban watersheds. Nutrient Biochemistry. Agricultural land management’s effects on hydrology and water quality. Socio-hydrology in agroecosystems. Environmental modelling. Watershed modelling. Bayesian inference. https://www.torontomu.ca/arts/research-and-innovation/research-spotlights/christopher-wellen/ |
Watershed Modelling, Nutrients, Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Bayesian Inference, Socio-hydrology |
Claire Oswald |
Arts |
Watershed hydrology and biogeochemistry, Hydrological controls on mercury and methylmercury, Dissolved organic matter (DOM), Constructed wetlands, Urban hydrology, water quality and land use, data analytics and models. https://www.torontomu.ca/geography/about/people/oswald-claire/ |
Water Quality, Watersheds, Wetlands, Data Analysis |
Darko Joksimovic |
Water reuse systems, Water distribution systems, Decision support systems, Urban drainage systems, water and energy optimization. https://www.torontomu.ca/civil/people/faculty/darko-joksimovic/ |
Municipal Water Infrastructure, Drainage, Optimization |
David Atkinson |
Arts |
GIS, remote sensing, modeling, analytics, measurements of environmental variables, vegetation cover, water, snowmelt, climate change, Arctic ecosystems, CO2 exchange, Arctic biophysical systems, Spatial analysis of environmental variables, Canada's Northern Regions. |
GIS, Climate Change, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, Northern Communities |
Elsayed Elbeshbisy |
Anaerobic digestion, pretreatment of municipal solid wastes, co-digestion, biohydrogen and biomethane production, nutrient recovery from waste and wastewater, microbial electrolysis cell and microbial fuel cell and anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR). https://www.torontomu.ca/civil/people/faculty/elsayed-elbeshbishy/ |
Wastewater treatment, nutrient recovery, AnMBR |
Fatih Sekercioglu |
Environmental health equity, built environment/climate change, safe drinking water, indigenous health, public health policy.
https://www.torontomu.ca/occupational-public-health/about/people/faculty/fatih-sekercioglu/ |
Public Health, Climate Change, Indigenous, Drinking Water |
Gideon Wolfaardt |
Microbial communities in different aquatic habitats (including waste streams), metabolism under different toxins/conditions, community structure under diff stresses, morphology within a biofilm, breakdown of compounds in effluent, recalcitrants, personal care products, zinc oxides, titanium oxides, nanoparticles, treatment of waste streams such as algal systems for value-added products, harvesting for lipid production (biodiesel), track and removal of heavy metals. https://www.torontomu.ca/chemistry-biology/our-people/gideon-wolfaardt/ |
Biofilms, Microbial communities, Degradation of waste streams, Value-added products |
Hitesh Doshi |
Climate change impacts, Visualization and design, Value engineering and decision support systems, Policy making research, Technology in architectural education, green roofs, sustainable builds and urban planning. http://www.arch.ryerson.ca/people/full-time-faculty/hitesh-doshi/ |
Climate Change, Urban Planning |
Ian Young | FCS | School of Occupational and Public Health | Environmental public health, recreational water quality, food and water safety, epidemiology of water-borne and enteric disease, behaviour change, mixed-methods research, knowledge synthesis. https://www.torontomu.ca/occupational-public-health/about/people/faculty/ian-young/ |
Public Health, Epidemiology, Beach Water Quality, Climate Change |
James Li |
Eco-hydrology and hydraulics, Urban drainage modeling, Environmental benefits of greenroofs, Industrial spill management, Water quality modeling, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay techniques, stormwater management, municipal best practices, LID technologies. |
Drainage, Stormwater, Water Quality Modeling |
Janet Koprivnikar |
Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, Animal parasites, Aquatic ecosystems, Host-parasite dynamics and interactions, Parasites in natural communities, Mechanisms of parasite effects. |
Aquatic Systems, Contaminants, Parasites |
Kimberley Gilbride |
Microbial populations, Pulp mill, Municipal wastewater biotreatment systems, contaminants, cumulative pharmaceutical impacts. |
Wastewater, Microbiology, Contaminants |
Martina Hausner |
Environmental microbiology; structure and function of mixed microbial communities; structure and function of biofilms (biofilms in municipal water treatment, transfer of genetic information in biofilms), microbial fuel cells, plant biomass to organic fuels. |
Environmental Microbiology, Biofilms, Water Treatment |
Mohammad Manshouri |
Chang School |
Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality Management, Wastewater Reuse and Remediation, Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes, Natural Wastewater Treatment using Constructed Wetlands. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammad-manshouri-74849240/?originalSubdomain=ca (external link) |
Water Quality, Wastewater, Wetlands, Remediation |
Patricia Hania |
Law & Business |
As an interdisciplinary social-legal researcher, Patricia is interested in the interaction of market actors in natural resource governance regimes – in particular, water governance in Canada. Her research considers the intersection of law and policy to understand how norms interact, regulate and become embedded in legal sites of contested and complex decision-making. |
Water Governance, Decision-Making, Legal, Policy |
Rania Hamza |
Civil Eng |
Wastewater treatment and reclamation, aerobic granular sludge (AGS), combined anaerobic-aerobic granular sludge bioreactors for wastewater treatment, nutrient removal, fate and removal of emerging substances of concern (ESOC), resource recovery, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) |
Biological wastewater treatment, aerobic granular sludge, removal of nutrients and emerging contaminants |
Roxana Sühring |
Fate and transport of organic contaminants, plastic contamination in urban water, emerging contaminants, high-resolution mass-spectrometry, long-range chemical transport https://www.torontomu.ca/chemistry-biology/our-people/roxana-suehring/ |
Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants, Plastic Contamination in Urban Water, Emerging Contaminants, High-Resolution Mass-Spectrometry, Long-Range Chemical Transport |
Stefania Impellizzeri | FOS | CHEM & BIOLOGY |
Photochemistry and Plasmonics, Molecular Switches, Fluorescent Probes & Sensors, Molecular Computing, Nano and 3D Materials, Carbon Nanomaterials, Metal-Organic Nanoparticles, Nanocatalysis |
Jet Ice Research Chair in Sustainable Materials Chemistry, Materials and Nanomaterials, Molecular Synthesis Design & Engineering, Photochemistry and Plasmonics |
Stephanie Melles |
Community ecology, spatial ecology, data analytics, Ecosystem diversity, Cross-scale pattern analysis, pollution in water, land use and catchment impacts, watershed analyses. |
Watershed, Data Analysis, Water Pollution |
Steven Liss |
Microbial structures, processes, and interfaces in engineered and natural environmental systems. Correlative microscopy, advanced sequencing, and metagomic analysis. Bioflocculation applications. Pleomorphic nature of flocs and films, compartmentalization of the microbial community, and antibiotic resistance genes as emerging contaminants. Current projects: converting activated sludge to granular sludge systems, removal of nutrients from wastewaters, rapid aerobic granulation in IFAS, and secondary drinking water disinfection strategies. https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-n-liss-b4415929/?originalSubdomain=ca (external link) |
Microbial Structures, Biofilms, Biofoulants, Wastewater, Drinking Water |
Vadim Bostan |
Environmental Biology, Aquatic toxicology, Aquatic food webs, Water/Sediment interactions, phosphorus, organic contaminants, wetlands, stormwater ponds. https://www.torontomu.ca/cab/facultyandstaff/vadim-bostan.html |
Toxicology, Wetlands, Stormwater, Aquatic Systems |
Affiliate Researchers are part of the Urban Water network and contribute to specific collaborative research projects and/or specific initiatives.
Urban Water TMU Member | Faculty | Department | Expertise/Website | Keywords |
Alex Wellington |
Arts |
Human rights, Global justice, Innovation Policy and Intellectual Property Law, Public Policy debates relating to bulk water removal, ethics in water. https://www.torontomu.ca/philosophy/faculty-staff/alex-wellington/ |
Water Ethics |
Andrew Millward |
Arts |
Urban forest, Disturbance ecology, Environmental applications of remote sensing and GIS.
GIS, Remote Sensing, Urban Trees |
Christopher Gore |
Arts |
Comparative urban and environmental politics, Global environmental governance (great lakes), Urban and environmental policymaking and administration, The politics of infrastructure, Agriculture and natural resources, and Internet governance. https://www.torontomu.ca/politics/people/faculty/gore-christopher/ |
Great Lakes Policy, Natural Resources |
Corinne Ong |
Detection of parasitic pathogens (protozoans and helminths), Irrigation water quality in agricultural watersheds, Recreational water quality, biofilms in municipal infrastructure, Cryptosporium, pathogens in water, public health. https://www.torontomu.ca/occupational-public-health/about/people/faculty/corinne-ong/
Water Quality, Watersheds, Parasites, Biofilms, Public Health |
Greg Oulahen |
Arts |
Factors that interact to produce unequal vulnerability to hazards and how these factors can be addressed to reduce risk and adapt to climate change impacts. Informed by the hazards, political ecology, and global environment change literatures. Use of multiple/mixed methods to investigate across scales and across actors, primarily in urban, developed country contexts. |
Human-Environment Interaction, Hazards, Risks, Vulnerability, Climate Change Adaption |
Ingrid Hehmeyer |
Arts |
History |
History of Science and Technology specifically water technology in medieval Yemen –technical innovations in hydraulic engineering and water management strategies for harsh environmental conditions; Medicinal substances and their manufacture. https://www.torontomu.ca/history/about-us/faculty-and-staff/faculty/hehmeyer-ingrid.html |
History, Hydraulic Engineering, Water Management |
John Shiga |
The Creative School |
School of Professional Communication |
Communication and media in intercultural, Political and scientific contexts. |
Science Communications |
Kernaghan Webb |
Business Management |
Law, Regulation, Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Standards, Industry Environmental Impacts, Ethics in Water. |
Sustainability, Water Ethics |
Mehrab Mehrvar |
Advanced oxidation technologies in water/wastewater treatment, Photochemical reaction engineering, Water and wastewater, Fed-batch fermentation. https://www.torontomu.ca/chemical/people/faculty/mehrab-mehrvar/ |
Wastewater, Photochemistry, Engineering |
Nina-Marie Lister |
Landscape ecology, ecological design, landscape infrastructure, planning & design for urban resilience, urban waterfronts, parks & natural heritage planning, biodiversity conservation, sustainable urban planning, green and blue design. |
Urban Environmental Planning |
Pamela Robinson |
Urban sustainability and governance, Environmental design and planning, Public engagement and progressive pedagogy. https://www.torontomu.ca/school-of-urban-and-regional-planning/about/people/faculty/pamela-robinson/ |
Urban Environmental Planning |
Yaser Dahman |
Chemical Eng |
Designing and testing comprehensive bioremediation processes for converting toxic wastewater into clean water and value-added biofuels. Examining algal growth on wastewater streams for value-added products and biodiesel production. This is in addition to other key areas of research include green technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering. https://www.torontomu.ca/chemical/people/faculty/yaser-dahman/ |
Green Technology, Wastewater treatment, Biofuels, Biodiesel, Algae |