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The 2025-2026 Undergraduate Calendar (opens in new window)  is now online. 


Submissions for the 2026-2027 Undergraduate Calendar will open early May 2025.

Welcome to Undergraduate Calendar Publications

Undergraduate Calendar Publications produces and archives Toronto Metropolitan University's undergraduate calendars (opens in new window) . We also provide support and guidance to departments considering curriculum changes.

Are you looking for instructions on making a course, curriculum, or policy change? Find the type of change you're making in the following sections.

Course-Level Changes
  • Create a new course
  • Update an existing course
  • Retire a course (no longer intend to offer it)
Curriculum-Level Changes
  • Add, delete, or reposition course(s) in an existing curriculum
  • Create a new degree program, minor, or specialization
  • Add or discontinue a concentration or co-op option for an existing program
  • Change the number or position of requirements within a curriculum
  • Update a Liberal Studies table
Policy-Level and Other Changes
  • Change mode of delivery
  • Change admission requirements
  • Program-specific standing or graduation variations
  • Grading variations for courses
  • Change program name 
  • Change degree designation

Quick Links:

Categories of Changes

Definitions of the different categories of curriculum changes, organized by complexity, with brief instructions and links to resources for how to submit them.

Staff Resources

We've produced in-depth instructional documents and videos explaining sow to submit curriculum changes. We've also provided templates for some supplementary documents.

 (google form) 
 (external link, opens in new window) 

We offer workshops to staff in the months leading up to the submission deadlines, where we discuss the details of the various calendar change processes. Sign up at this link.

Calendar Copy

Instructions on how to mark up calendar copy (including Program Overview, Curriculum Information, and Program Advisory Council) and submit it to Undergraduate Publications.

Faculty Credentials

Names of faculty and their credentials are published in the calendar once a year. They must be verified by HR before the Dean submits updated copy to the Undergraduate Publications Office. Chairs should advise faculty to send any updates to their Deans before the end of September. Deans should forward all verified updates, including deletions, to Publications as soon as possible thereafter.


We produce reports that show the current courses offered by each Academic Organization, the current calendar-year positioning of core courses in full-time degree programs, and the relationships among courses.