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RTA Sports Media alum recognized with an Emmy win

How Juan Morales reached new heights for his work on the NHL Draft Day
By: Braden Sykora
January 30, 2024

Juan Morales graduated from the RTA Sports Media program in 2021 and has been relentlessly pursuing his dreams ever since. With a penchant for creative storytelling, Morales has spent the better part of a decade devoting his life to building his career in the sports media industry. From working on creative productions for some of the world's largest sports organizations to becoming a social media content educator, Morales' success is a product of his unwavering work ethic, culminating with his most recent achievement that awarded him his first Emmy.

A man wearing a black hat with the words LA written on it. A light is shining from behind the subject, casting a shadow across part of the mans face

Image courtesy of Juan Morales 

A career accomplishment like winning an Emmy is a lifetime achievement worthy of praise, but doing so two years after graduation wasn't something Morales would've believed in his wildest dreams. Staying committed to his craft, Morales has made a name for himself as a cinematographer, branding expert, video editor and creative director for athletes and organizations, including the National Hockey League (NHL), TSN and TMU Athletics; winning his first Emmy was proof that his hard work is paying off in a big way.

"Winning an Emmy is a huge career accomplishment and something I didn't expect to win so early in my career," stated Morales. “I was a small cog in a big team that accomplished this feat, and I feel incredibly grateful to hit this milestone alongside other incredible and hardworking people we have at the NHL.”

A man kneels down to take a picture of a hockey player skating off the ice. Two men are smiling in the background looking off screen

Image courtesy of Juan Morales

A man posing in a light grey suit holds a professional camera on a tripod and smiles at the camera

Image courtesy of Juan Morales

The path to greatness

Morales was awarded an Emmy for his work on the production team covering the NHL Draft, where the best amateur athletes get picked to play in the NHL. His role was to follow a prospect throughout their entire Draft Day, from getting ready in the hotel to having their name called by a team on the main stage. But as Morales will attest, it takes a village - or an entire production team - to get the job done.

"From a production perspective, the number of people working on this production really stood out to me," stated Morales. "There are SO many people behind the camera and behind the scenes working together to make this happen, and the scale of it was something I couldn't envision before working on this piece."

With hands-on experience in live production, multi-platform marketing and audio and video editing, Morales learned the ins and outs of the sports media industry largely from his time in the RTA program. A program that also taught him the importance of connecting with his peers and expanding his professional network.

"In the Sports Media program, you have the opportunity to interact and network with a lot of industry professionals, and working on group production projects taught me how to communicate and collaborate with them effectively," said Morales. "Working with my peers and industry decision-makers went a long way and helped immensely when I got the opportunity to work on the NHL Draft production team."

What's more, his ambitions and talents have amassed him over twenty thousand followers across his social media platforms, and he even offers one-on-one mentorship opportunities for creators looking to develop their craft.

A man posing holds a professional camera and smiles at the camera

Image courtesy of Juan Morales

The process is greater than the outcome

The multi-billion dollar sports media industry is rapidly growing, with opportunities for passionate creators and behind-the-scenes highlight-reel makers looking to make their mark. But breaking into the industry can seem like a daunting process. However, Morales' advice for landing your dream job is simple: never give up and keep expanding your network.

"Don't be afraid of not finding a job right out of school," said Morales. "You're going to get no's, and that's all part of the process, and that's not the end of the world. Make sure you focus on the networking side of things just as much as you focus on the hard skills - because the people you meet are JUST as important as being skillful with a camera or in an editing program."

Whether you're just starting out in your career or have been practicing your craft for a decade, Morales' ethos is to keep moving forward and enjoy the ride.

"It's a fun industry, and I truly believe in the idea of the process being greater than the outcome," remarked Morales.

Interested in learning more about Morales' budding career as a creative storyteller? Follow him on his Instagram (external link)  and take a look at the work that's got him to where he is now (external link) .

The Creative School at Toronto Metropolitan University

The Creative School is a dynamic faculty that is making a difference in new, unexplored ways. Made up of Canada’s top professional schools and transdisciplinary hubs in media, communication, design and cultural industries, The Creative School offers students an unparalleled global experience in the heart of downtown Toronto.