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Creative Industries student awarded prestigious Gold Medal Award for academic excellence

Omar Taleb on balancing academics, work, and community involvement
By: Braden Sykora
July 04, 2023

During this year's convocation ceremonies, Creative Industries (opens in new window)  student Omar Taleb was selected as the recipient of the prestigious Toronto Metropolitan University Gold Medal, recognizing his outstanding achievements and remarkable academic excellence within The Creative School. Focusing on overall academic performance, extracurricular involvement and noteworthy contributions to the community, the Gold Medal is awarded to one student from each faculty and is one of the highest awards given at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Omar Taleb standing next to a woman holding up his award at the SLC building

Creative Industries student Omar Taleb accepting his award at the SLC. Image courtesy of Paige Deasley

Balancing work, academics, and extracurricular pursuits

The coveted Gold Medal was presented to Taleb by Dean Charles Falzon. Taleb's impressive academic and professional track record began with his unwavering dedication and passion for writing as he skillfully balanced his education with commitments at TMU's Legal Innovation Zone, media development internships, and freelance public relations work.

"I think of myself as a writer above all else," said Taleb. "As I began my professional journey in school, I questioned what it means to be a writer in today's media landscape. It's an ongoing process, but the main takeaway so far is that you must be able to place and position yourself as an expert in different environments. At the Legal Innovation Zone, it was about understanding what makes for compelling blog content for our audience. Working in PR meant identifying the story and making it compelling to journalists. Television/film development had me reading scripts all day and working with screenwriters to strengthen their stories. With each past experience or future professional endeavour, I question where the value is for me as a writer." 

His ability to excel both academically and professionally has been instrumental in shaping his personal and intellectual growth.

"It feels fantastic!" exclaimed Taleb. "The Creative School is full of talented students, so it is humbling to be recognized for the medal and celebrated by my peers and professors."

Recognizing vision and dedication

In addition to his impressive academic record and professional work experience, Taleb was thoughtfully chosen as this year's Gold Medal recipient as a result of also being recognized for the Creative Industries Founders Award. "I'm honoured to be one of the inaugural recipients of the Creative Industries Founders Award," stated Taleb. "This prestigious award recognizes students who embody the program's vision and take ownership of their professional and academic development. It was a reminder that my efforts and commitment paid off in the end."

After receiving the Founders Award, Taleb felt encouraged to double down on his passion for community involvement, which led him to join the Creative Industries Equity, Community, and Inclusion Committee. There, he played a pivotal role in promoting diversity and inclusivity within the Creative Industries program.

With so many competing priorities, managing his time effectively throughout his degree was a crucial skill to develop; Taleb’s answer can be simplified in one word. "It comes down to identifying the 'why'," Taleb explained. “Why do I need to maintain a certain GPA? Because I'm applying to graduate school. Why do I need to take that internship, pitch that article or take on that client? Because this industry demands graduates with work experience. Understanding how to divide my energy between commitments helps me manage my time effectively."

Leveraging classroom opportunities: a powerful catalyst for growth

As a recipient of the prestigious Gold Medal Award, Taleb's advice for aspiring students who seek to achieve academic excellence while pursuing various extracurricular activities and initiatives was simple. "Make your classes work for you," remarked Taleb. "Each course holds its own value-add, and it's essential to seek out opportunities within them that align with your goals. Assignments can become stepping stones for job applications or serve as the foundation for future research endeavours. Academic excellence comes when you can think a few steps ahead with your coursework."

Looking towards the future, Taleb's ambition and determination remain steadfast. With plans to pursue graduate school, he remarks how integral his time at The Creative School has been and how it’s shaped his career path. Currently working at the Social Media Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab, he is honing his academic writing and editing skills while immersing himself in the world of data-driven research.

Interested in learning more about Omar Taleb and his achievements? Follow him on LinkedIn (external link) .

 The Creative School at Toronto Metropolitan University

The Creative School is a dynamic faculty that is making a difference in new, unexplored ways. Made up of Canada’s top professional schools and transdisciplinary hubs in media, communication, design and cultural industries, The Creative School offers students an unparalleled global experience in the heart of downtown Toronto.