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TRSM team named top international school at largest sales competition

April 05, 2019
11 students stand in front of a national collegiate sales competition banner
(Back Row) Tristan Broks, Vinh-Son Hoang, Paul Katsetos, Stanley Sik, Winston Devendrarajah, Kevin Campbell (Front Row) Geoffrey Handelman, Kaitlann Silao, Dr. Karen Peesker, Adrian Cheng, Sean Vogan

Congratulations to TRSM’s Ted Rogers Undergraduate Sales Team (TRUST) for being named the top international school at the National Collegiate Sales Competition at Georgia’s Kennesaw State University, the largest sales competition in the world.

The competition, which took place March 29 - April 1, 2019, featured 74 schools and 148 top student sales competitors. In addition to the TRUST team accomplishment, Winston Devendrarajah successfully reached the Undergraduate Quarterfinals and Stanley Sik placed 4th in his room in the Wild Card competition.  

At the event, TRSM students had the opportunity to interact with many sponsors, administrators and coaches who provided a valuable learning experience toward student development and the progression of the Ted Rogers Sales Leadership Program.  TRSM was recognized at the Awards Ceremony for its work in creating a Sales Leadership Program in Canada – one of the first in the country.