TMU Tutor Match
TMU Tutor Match is a tool designed to help qualified students find paid work as tutors and to help students who would like additional, individualized, and course specific support find and hire tutors.
The new TMU Tutor Match Training course consists of two levels
( asynchronous/online and synchronous/in-person workshop).
Prospective tutors will be expected to complete each level of the training, unlock two digital skill-development badges and earn a digital certificate of completion to access the TMU Tutor Match database.
To be listed as a tutor for hire on TMU Tutor Match and become a paid tutor, you must meet the following:
- B+ or better in the courses you want to tutor
- CGPA ( Cumulative Grade Point Average ) of 3.0 or above
- Complete the mandatory online and in-person tutor training with Cleopatra!
Become a TMU Tutor Match Tutor in 3 easy steps!
Step 1 - Visit TMU Tutor Match to create a profile, confirm your eligibility, and complete the TMU Tutor Match (google form) Registration Form (external link) to be enrolled in the Level 1- Novice TMU Tutor Match portion of the training course.
To prepare you for independent work as a paid tutor, the Level 1- Novice TMU Tutor Match online training course will cover the following topics:
- Planning tutoring sessions.
- Ethical behavior in tutoring ( academic honesty ).
- Effective communication and how to give constructive feedback.
Step 2 - Confirm your completion of the Level 1- Novice TMU Tutor Match portion of the training course and receive your first digital badge. Then (google form) (google form) RSVP (external link) (external link) for the Level 2- Expert TMU Tutor Match in- person workshop.
The next Level 2- Expert TMU Tutor Match in-person workshops are scheduled for:
- February 5 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM in SLC 453
- February 9 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM in SLC 453
- March 5 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM in SLC 453
- March 19 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM in SLC 453
- April 2 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM in SLC 453
Step 3 - Official TMU Tutor Match status
Once you finish the Level 2- Expert in-person workshop, you’ll receive the second digital badge and certificate of the TMU Tutor Match training course.
Don't forget to update your “ Tutor Philosophy” on the database to start attracting students to your profile. Happy Tutoring!
Contact - Peer Learning Support Facilitator, for more information.
Find and hire a Tutor
Use TMU Tutor Match to find the tutor that is right for you. The system will check for tutors that can help you with your current or near-future coursework. It is up to you to contact these potential tutors and establish a follow-up plan: where, when, and how to meet, how much you will pay them and when, and any other relevant details.
TMU Tutor Match tutors are not employed by Toronto Metropolitan University or by Student Life & Learning Support (SLLS). Neither Toronto Metropolitan University nor SLLS become involved in payment for services.
While SLLS does provide tutor training to all TMU Tutor Match tutors, SLLS does not interview, supervise, or evaluate tutors in any way. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the quality of tutoring or academic outcome(s). A positive tutoring experience depends on a tutee finding an appropriate tutor to match their learning style.