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Course Information

These tables provide information about the sociology courses that are regularly offered, including the faculty who often teach the course. This information is intended as a general guideline, and may not reflect the specific course that you are enrolled in. Not all courses are offered every term or every year. Offerings in the Chang School of Continuing Education are different.  

The following courses are required or are part of a required group for Sociology program students.

Course Faculty Information
SOC 105: Introduction to Sociology Muzzatti, Rollwagen  
SOC 107: Sociology of the Everyday Powell
SOC 300: Sociology of Equity and Diversity    
SOC 411: Intro to Quantitative Data Analysis Lightman, Noack  
SOC 420: Social Class in Changing Times de Leon  
SOC 427: Indigenous Perspectives on Canada Jewell  
SOC 470: Toronto: The Changing City Tecle, Teelucksingh  
SOC 473: Classical Sociological Theory Jamal, Powell  
SOC 475: Contemporary Sociological Theory Powell  
SOC 481: Survey Design and Analysis Noack community-engaged course
SOC 482: Advanced Approaches to Media Analysis Neverson  
SOC 483: Statistical Modeling Rollwagen community-engaged course
SOC 490: Capstone: Specializing Your Knowledge Moore  
SOC 492: Current Social Issue Focus    
SOC 493: Creating Social Change de Leon, Gingras  
SOC 494: Career Integration Tecle
community-engaged course
SOC 525: Media and Images of Inequality Neverson  
SOC 608: Women, Power and Change    
SSH 301: Research Design and Qualitative Methods Lightman
Course Faculty Information
SOC 300: Sociology of Equity and Diversity    
SOC 319: Sociological Perspectives on Crime Muzzatti  
SOC 320: Black Popular Culture
SOC 350: Queer Sociology
SOC 402: The City and Social Problems    
SOC 420: Social Class in Changing Times   
de Leon  
SOC 472: At Work in a Changing World    
SOC 474: Immigration, Borders and Belonging de Leon  
SOC 478: Sociology of Fun    
SOC 500: Youth and Society    
SOC 502: Violence and the Family    
SOC 504: Children and Society    
SOC 525: Media and Images of Inequality Neverson  
SOC 530: Blackness and Freedom Knight

community-engaged course

watch the course trailer

SOC 540: Special Topics in Indigenous Studies    
SOC 553: Indigenist Thought Lee  
SOC 558: Sociology of Bodies
SOC 576: Colonialism and Anti-Blackness Reece, Scribe  
SOC 605: Families: Difference and Diversity    
SOC 606: Families and Care Work de Leon  
SOC 608: Women, Power and Change    
SOC 708: Environmental Sociology Lee
SOC 932: The Entertainment Industry    
...see the full list of Table II courses

Liberal studies courses must include a substantial writing component. Students are encouraged to consult the Liberal Studies Website and review the Liberal Studies Frequently Asked Questions for more information about liberal studies courses.

Faculty Information
SOC 103: How Society Works    
SOC 202: Popular Culture    
SOC 203: Social Class and Inequality    
SOC 221: The Hip Hop Lens on Society Tecle  
... see the full list of lower-level liberal studies courses

Liberal studies courses must include a substantial writing component. Students are encouraged to consult the Liberal Studies Website and review the Liberal Studies Frequently Asked Questions for more information about liberal studies courses.

Course Faculty Information
SOC 503: Sociology of Education Gingras  
SOC 505: Sociology of Sport Neverson  
SOC 506: Health and Society Gingras watch the course trailer
SOC 507: Understanding Racism in Canada Reece  
SOC 603: Sociology of Gender Scribe  
SOC 633: Sex, Gender Identities and Sexualities Scribe  
SOC 705: Law, Justice and Abolition
SOC 808: Sociology of Food and Eating Gingras community-engaged course
SOC 885: Women, Islam and Modernity
Jamal community-engaged course
SOC 902: Hollywood and Society    
... see the full list of upper-level liberal studies courses