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Get Involved
Now that you’re a TMU student, you can really enrich your undergraduate experience. Check out ways you can meet new people, try new experiences, explore the city, and get active in the TMU community.
Student Groups and Course Unions
(external link, opens in new window)
Student groups gather to share common interests — from faith to food, hobbies to home country. Science students alone have over 25 groups. Each academic program also has a student-run course union. Get involved with your course union to voice your ideas, concerns and questions — maybe even run for office.
Undergraduate Science Society
(external link, opens in new window)
The USSTM is the overarching organization representing all science undergraduates. It oversees, funds and supports all science course unions and student groups. It also runs events, such as the Science Formal, and can connect you (and sometimes even fund you) for science conferences and competitions.
Become a Science Ambassador
Bring your passion for science to local communities and the general public. SciXchange is the office for outreach and community engagement at the Faculty of Science. As a volunteer, you’ll learn how to make science accessible and engaging, and help others discover the wonders of science.
Apply your knowledge to a new start-up or cause. Toronto Metropolitan's diverse Zone Learning community has ten zones, including the Science Discovery Zone, TMU's science incubator. Learn how entrepreneurship works and collaborate with students, researchers and industry to incubate new ideas.