CIHR Project Grants support innovative TMU health research

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) professors April Khademi (top left), Dafna Sussman (top right), Scott Tsai (bottom left) and Erin Ziegler (bottom right) have received funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Spring 2023 Project Grant competition.
Four researchers from Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) have received more than $2.7 million in combined funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant Spring 2023 competition to support their innovative health research.
The four funded projects span a wide range of topics. Some projects are advancing biomedical technologies, such as designing novel software tools that analyze neurological MRI datasets for markers of neurodegenerative conditions such as dementia. One project explores novel ways of using artificial intelligence to improve fetal MRI diagnosis, while another is developing the next generation of non-invasive prostate cancer surveillance methods through microfluidics. Addressing health equity, another of our researchers is enhancing community health promotion for migrant and sexually or gender-diverse women.
“I’m thrilled to congratulate all of the successful grant recipients. This funding will help drive forward critical biomedical and health systems research,” said Steven N. Liss, TMU’s vice-president, research and innovation. “Canadians’ health and well-being will benefit from these projects that will expand community health promotion and improve disease diagnosis and monitoring through leading-edge technologies.”
TMU recipients of CIHR Spring 2023 Project Grants
Faculty of Community Services
- Erin Ziegler: Implementing community-based health promotion capacity for diverse equity-seeking women
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Sciences
- April Khademi: Measuring neurodegeneration in large-scale multi-centre MRI datasets
- Dafna Sussman: FetAS: Fetal Assessment Suite to facilitate rapid fetal MRI diagnosis using artificial intelligence
- Scott Tsai: Aqueous two-phase system technology for biomarker isolation and next-generation non-invasive active surveillance of prostate cancer
Learn more about CIHR’s Project Grant program and the Spring 2023 results (external link) .
Related links
TMU faculty advance health research with CIHR Project Grant support (February 2023)