The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students (OVPS) actively supports the university’s academic plan, and its strategic priority of enabling greater student engagement and success through exceptional experiences.
About Jen McMillen
Jen McMillen is a senior post-secondary leader with more than 20 years experience in student affairs, human rights and policy development. A strong advocate for equity and inclusion, Jen believes that student achievements are closely linked to an active student community.
As vice-provost, students, Jen oversees the direction of multiple units dedicated to ensuring student programs, experiences and services are of the highest quality and readily accessible to all students, which fall under five main areas of responsibility - the Office of the Registrar, Athletics and Recreation, Student Affairs, Student Wellbeing, and Student Communications.
Jen joined Toronto Metropolitan University in 2019 from Humber College, where as dean of students, she oversaw a range of student success and engagement departments. In addition, Jen was chair of the student affairs group within Colleges Ontario and was also a founding member of the Positive Space Committee at Brock University, where she served as a human rights and equity officer. Jen frequently speaks and consults on issues such as diversity, leadership, team and trust building, communication and civic responsibility.
In addition to her professional roles at Humber College, Jen has worked in various progressive capacities at New College, University of Toronto, Brock University, the University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph. She holds a bachelor of kinesiology from McMaster University, and a master of education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.
About the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students
With a focus on responsiveness and empathy, the vice-provost, students oversees a portfolio of 350 employees who work across the following core areas: The Office of the Registrar and Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment; Athletics & Recreation; Student Affairs which includes student learning support, career services, housing, student life and community care (student conduct and advocacy, sexual violence support and education); Student Wellbeing which includes the medical centre, counselling, health promotion, academic accommodations and testing; and Student Communications.
Areas of Responsibility
The Office of the Registrar provides a broad range of academic support services concerning student recruitment, admissions, enrolment, grading, promotion and graduation assessment. This office also develops course and exam schedules.
Athletics & Recreation (external link) is responsible for varsity and intramural sports programs, and for the university’s Recreation and Athletics Centre (RAC) and Mattamy Athletic Centre (MAC).
Student Affairs is a support network that helps students make a successful transition to university, develop career-related skills, and access support for student conduct issues or if they have been impacted by sexual violence.
Student Wellbeing helps students with access to programs and services that support their personal and academic wellbeing including access to academic accommodations and accommodated testing.
Student Communications develops integrated communication strategies to support exceptional experiences and establish meaningful connections with students at every stage of their university journeys.