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Sanaa Ali-Mohammed
Sanaa Ali-Mohammed is a current Policy Studies PhD student in the Public Policy Stream at Ryerson University. Sanaa brings nearly ten years of advocacy, program design and coordination experience in the public policy, non-profit and philanthropic worlds. In 2018 and 2019, Sanaa collaborated with over a hundred community organizations to encourage elected leaders to pass policies declaring a Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia in the City of Toronto and Province of Ontario, respectively. Sanaa has contributed to conversations about systemic Islamophobia and racial discrimination in the non-profit and philanthropic sectors through publications for the Philanthropist Journal, Community Centric Fundraising, and Ricochet Media, among others, and has conducted research on Muslims with disabilities in Canada, as well as on spiritually motivated philanthropy. Sanaa plans to study how public policy can address the gap between non-profit and philanthropic organizations' external commitments to addressing racial discrimination on the one hand, and internal policies, practices and cultures which often enable racial discrimination on the other.