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Vacation Policy

I.    Purpose

Vacations are pre-planned time away from work meant to provide an opportunity for refreshment and rejuvenation. Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") is committed to supporting time off for employees in accordance with legal, policy and collective agreement provisions.

II.    Principles

1.    To promote the health and well being of University employees.

2.    To promote a planned approach to vacation scheduling so that employees take an appropriate amount of time off in relation to their earned credits.

3.    To enforce vacation accrual limits in order to manage the University's financial liability.

III.    Scope

This policy applies to Management and Confidential (MAC) employees, including full time career employees (FTCE) and term employees with contracts greater than 4 months, as well as Senior Academic and Administrative Leaders and Executives (e.g. President, Provost and Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, Associate Vice Provosts, Assistant Vice Presidents, Sr. Directors, Deans, Chief Librarian, etc.).

Non union casual and part time employees do not earn vacation credits. Instead vacation earnings are added to their pay, as required by the University’s obligations to comply with the Ontario Employment Standards Act.

IV.    Policy

1.    Taking time off

Vacation schedules are part of overall Faculty/Department/School annual planning. Leaders are required to ensure that staff can take vacation without impacting services to students and clients or the ongoing operation of their Faculty/Department/School.

Employees must take the minimum amount of vacation time required under the Ontario Employment Standards Act. Vacation time is generally mutually arranged between leaders and the employees who report to them. However, if employees do not take enough vacation, leaders are responsible for making sure additional vacation time is taken.

For more detailed information and resources, such as Ontario Employment Standards Act requirements, and assistance in developing a plan, please refer to the Vacation Planning Guides. Human Resources Management Consultants are also available to provide assistance to leaders.

2.    Entitlements

a)    MAC (Bands A to D inclusive)

i.    15 days per year after 1 year of employment

ii.    20 days per year after 8 years of employment

iii.    25 days per year after 14 years of employment

iv.    30 days per year after 24 years of employment

b)    Senior Academic and Administrative Leaders and Executive Group (Bands E and F)

i.    25 days per year after 1 year of employment

ii.    30 days per year after 24 years of employment

Note 1: Calculation of years of employment is based on an employee’s anniversary date.

Note 2: Term employees with contracts of less than 2 years earn 1 vacation day per completed month of employment for their first 12 months of employment, after which they accrue credits on the same basis as other MAC employees, or other Senior Academic and Administrative Leaders or Executives at the accrual rates listed below.

3.    Accrual Rates

Accrual rates are based on a standard 36.25 hour work week. For employees who work reduced workloads with fewer hours per week, the entitlements are prorated.

i.    15 day entitlement accrues at 1.25 days per completed month of employment

ii.    20 day entitlement accrues at 1.66 days per completed month of employment

iii.    25 day entitlement accrues at 2.08 days per completed month of employment

iv.    30 day entitlement accrues at 2.5 days per completed month of employment

a)    Accrual on Commencement/Termination of Employment

Accrual will be prorated for partial months’ service.

Employees commencing employment before the 16th of the month will receive a full month's credit for that month; on or after the 16th employees will receive one-half month's credit.

Employees terminating employment before the 16th of the month will receive only one-half a month's credit, and those terminating between the 16th and end of the month will receive a whole month's credit.

b)      Accrual during Leaves of Absences

Paid Leaves: Vacation credits will continue to accrue during any paid leave of absence, such as paid sick leave, pregnancy leave, etc. Vacation will also continue to accrue during paid and unpaid portions of parental leave.

Unpaid Leaves: Vacation credits do not accrue during unpaid leaves of absence that are beyond the average working days in a month (22 days).

Long Term Disability: Vacation credits accrue for the first six months.

c)       Accrual Limits

Employees may have a maximum balance of 2 times their annual vacation entitlement. An annual entitlement review will be conducted by Human Resources on October 1 each year. Any vacation credits in excess of the maximum will be eliminated from employee vacation balances without further notice or payment in lieu of notice.

Access to up-to-date vacation balances is available through eHR.

4.    Request and Approval of Vacation Time

Vacation time is requested by employees and approved by leaders, in advance, in the eHR system. Vacation time is requested in half or whole day increments.

Employees may take an advance of 5 days vacation, at the discretion of their manager.

5.   Statutory and Designated Holidays

Where a statutory or other designated holiday falls within a vacation period, and where an employee qualifies for holiday pay under the terms of the Employment Standards Act, there will be no deduction from the vacation account for that day.

6.   Use of Vacation Credits before Compensating Time Off Credits

Employees must use vacation credits for annual planned vacation time off, before using compensating time off credits. If compensating time off credits are not used by the end of a calendar year, they will be paid out at the beginning of the following year.

Note: For more information on compensating time off, see the MAC Salary Administration policy.

7.    Transfer to Another Department

Banked vacation credits transfer with employees up to 2 times their annual vacation entitlement.

8.    Termination of Employment

Any unused vacation credits are paid out to an employee upon termination of employment with the University. Faculties/Departments/Schools are responsible for the cost of vacation pay outs.

V.    Roles and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of Senior Academic and Administrative Leaders and Executives to ensure that managers who report to them are planning and managing employee vacation time in accordance with this policy and the Vacation Planning Guide. 

Managers are responsible for

a.    planning and managing employee vacation time so that their employees have at least one two week vacation break or two one week vacation breaks every calendar year,

b.    ensuring that employees request vacation time in advance using the eHR system,

c.    ensuring that employees have sufficient vacation credits prior to approving a leave or approving up to 5 days vacation advance to provide sufficient credits,

d.    monitoring vacation balances for their employees, and

e.    addressing vacation balances in excess of established limits within a reasonable period of time.

Employees are responsible for

a.    planning vacation time of at least one two week period or two one week periods every year, in consultation with their managers as part of regular vacation planning,

b.    requesting vacation time, consisting of half or whole days, in advance using eHR, and

c.    cooperating with their managers in addressing excess vacation balances, including establishing plans to reduce balances to within limits in a reasonable period of time.