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Term Positions Procedure

  • Related Documents:  Term Positions Policy
  • Owner:  Human Resources
  • Approval Dates:  March 2004, August 2007

I.    Procedure

1.    Long Term Temporary Positions

a.    Manager/supervisor identifies need for term position.

b.    Manager/supervisor drafts description of duties and/or responsibilities. May also require completion of a position questionnaire. Human Resources advisors should be consulted concerning the requirements.

c.    Human Resources provides preliminary evaluation in order to estimate budget requirements.

d.    Manager/supervisor completes appropriate sections of position requisition form and, if required, forwards to department head or other individual with authority to provide the next level of approval, along with associated rationale.

e.    If in agreement, department head, or other individual with authority to provide similar level of approval, signs and forwards to Human Resources.

f.     Human Resources verifies that all required information and approvals have been provided, signs and forwards to Financial Services.

g.    Financial Services verifies that funds are available, signs off on position requisition and returns to Human Resources.

h.    Human Resources creates position record(s) and evaluates position.

2.    Short Term Temporary Positions

a.    Manager/supervisor identifies need for term position.

b.    Manager/supervisor consults with Human Resources advisor concerning appropriate compensation, based on the duties of the position and qualifications required.

c.    Manager/supervisor completes appropriate sections of position requisition form and, if required, forwards to department head or other individual with authority to provide the next level of approval, along with associated rationale.

d.    If in agreement, department head, or other individual with authority to provide similar level of approval, signs and forwards to Human Resources.

e.    Human Resources verifies that all required information and approvals have been provided, signs and forwards to Financial Services.

f.     Financial Services verifies that funds are available, signs off on position requisition and returns to Human Resources.

g.    Human Resources creates position records and grades position, if applicable.