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Records Management Policy

Supersedes Records Management component of Archives and Records Management Policy, March, 1993.

I.    Purpose

Toronto Metropolitan University (the “University”) is committed to the efficient and effective management of records. The purpose of this Policy is to:

·         improve the nature and quality of records by evaluating and monitoring the creation of records, forms and filing systems;

·         ensure the ongoing identification, management and preservation of records of corporate, fiscal, legal, regulatory, administrative, operational and historical value;

·         support the protection of sensitive information by ensuring records are managed and disposed of in an appropriate fashion;

·         ensure compliance with relevant legislation;

·         protect the University from the risks associated with the inadvertent or inappropriate destruction of information; and

·         encourage cost effectiveness as it relates to records management.

II.    Definitions

University Records” means any recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristic that is created or received by any individual, in the course of the individual’s employment or contract with the University. 

III.    Scope

This Policy applies to all University Records.

This Policy does not apply to records created by or derived from research, academic or scholarly activities. 

IV.    Policy

1.    University Property.

All University Records, regardless of their source, media, format or location, are the property of the University and remain the property of the University at the end of an individual’s employment or contract.

2.    Responsibilities.

1.    The University shall create, identify, use, manage, retain, protect, preserve or dispose of University Records in its custody or control in compliance with the University’s legal, fiscal, audit, operational, business continuity, privacy and archival responsibilities and requirements, including this Policy.

2.    The University shall generate, create or maintain reasonably good quality, accurate, reliable and authentic records that can be audited as required. 

3.    Security.

The University shall maintain University Records securely in order to protect personal, confidential and privileged information from unauthorized access. 

4.    Records Classification and Records Retention.

Records Classification.  The University shall maintain a records classification system and a records retention schedule to organize and govern the life cycle of University Records.  The maintenance of, improvements and updates to, the classification system and retention schedule are to be done in collaboration with content owners to ensure that the system and schedule meets relevant legislative and other requirements. 

Maintenance of University Records.  The University shall maintain University Records according to the records classification system and records retention schedule. 

Disposition of University Records. The University shall dispose of University Records in accordance with the records retention schedule.

5.    Processes and Systems.

In order to manage the integrity, authenticity, confidentiality and availability of University Records over time, all new, replacement and updated records and information-management processes and systems shall be designed, developed, and implemented with this Policy in mind.

V.    Jurisdiction

The President delegates authority and responsibility for establishing a records classification system and records retention schedule to the General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors.