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Producing Identification (ID) and Supporting Emergency Direction of Security and Emergency Services Policy

  • Owner:  Community Safety and Security (CSS)
  • Approver:  Vice-President, Administration and Operations
  • Approval Dates:  November 2009

I.    Purpose

The purpose of the policy is to outline the requirement for all Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") staff, faculty, visitors, guests and contract workers to produce identification upon request by Security and Emergency Services personnel and to comply with their protective directions to ensure the safety and well being of the community and the preservation of its assets.

II.    Scope

The policy applies to:

·         all University staff, faculty, visitors, guests and contract workers using University space, land and premises, rented or owned, and

·         all University staff, faculty, visitors, guests and contract workers using University equipment, including but not limited to, telephones, computers and computer networks.

A similar policy is in place for University students as part of the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct (Sections 8 and 9).

III.    Policy

Providing Identification 

1.         Security and Emergency Services personnel (identified by uniform epaulette numbers) may require persons within the scope of the policy to produce identification for a number of reasons, including    but not limited to the following: to establish the community status of an individual for purposes of accessibility and authorization; or to establish the identity of a person for follow-up by the appropriate University department for matters respecting policy or emergency notification.

2.         Valid forms of identification include the OneCard, photo ID combined with University business cards, contractor identification or other combinations, that establish both identity and University community status.

3.         Persons who fail to produce adequate identification may be asked to leave the University campus and may have an interim bar order imposed until identification and community status can be satisfactorily established by University officials.

Protective Directions

1.         All persons on the University campus are required to comply with the protective directions of Security and Emergency Services personnel unless there are extreme and compelling circumstances preventing this. 

2.         Protective directions typically include requests to leave buildings or specific spaces on campus; or to not enter specific areas on campus; or to discontinue practices, activities or behaviors that are unsafe to any person(s) or threaten the security of the University.

3.         Often the reason for the protective directions can be provided but occasionally due to time constraints or other factors during an emergency no explanations can be provided at the time the protective directions are given.  

4.         Security and Emergency Services shall request identification and direct persons in a manner that is consistent with the execution of their duties and is in compliance with all other University policies and provided.  Questions about the appropriateness or manner in which the protective directions are   provided can be raised with the Manager, Security and Emergency Services or the Director,Integrated Risk Management after the fact.

IV.    Jurisdiction

The policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation, application and administration of the policy are the responsibility of the Director, Integrated Risk Management.