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Employment of Relatives Procedure

  • Related Documents: Employment of Relatives Policy
  • Owner:  Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs; Human Resources
  • Approval Dates:  February 1994, February 2004, August 2007

I.    Procedure

1.    Employees must disclose conflicts under this policy to their managers/supervisors. However, in circumstances where an employee fails to disclose a conflict, or potential conflict, managers/ supervisors may identify such situations that they believe constitute, or may constitute a conflict.

2.    Once a conflict has been identified, the manager/supervisor(s) responsible for the employee(s) in a position of conflict will inform Human Resources.

3.    Staff from Human Resources will meet individually with the parties and/or together, as appropriate, in order to ascertain the facts of the case and to obtain input from the parties. In the case of a manager/supervisor identifying a conflict, and where the employees dispute that a conflict exists, the manager/supervisor will be required to provide supportive evidence that a conflict, or potential conflict, exists. This evidence will be considered to be confidential information.

4.    If, in the opinion of the University, the concern has sufficient validity and contravenes this policy or the Conflict of Interest policy, Human Resources will attempt to identify potential vacancies for both of the individuals involved.  Although input from the employees involved regarding transfer preferences will be considered, the overriding consideration shall be the University’s operational requirements including position availability and the skills and abilities of the individuals involved.

5.    A meeting will be convened with the employee, his/her bargaining unit representative, the supervisor and representatives from Human Resources and/or the office of the Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs, to communicate the results of the search and to discuss future action.

6.    Decisions will be communicated to the employees in writing. 

7.    Transfers, if appropriate in the circumstances, will take place as soon as possible following the decision to transfer.

II.    Jurisdiction

This procedure and its associated policy fall under the joint jurisdiction of the Provost and Vice President Academic and the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation and application of this procedure is a joint responsibility of the offices of the Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs and Human Resources.