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Electronic Imaging and Document Management Policy

  • Owner:  Financial Services
  • Approver:  Chief Financial Officer
  • Approval Dates:  December 2006, August 2007

I.    Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish clear organizational standards for electronic imaging and document management systems.

II.    Scope

This policy applies to electronic imaging and document management systems maintained for the support of University business processes where an electronic image is intended to replace an original paper document or an electronic file and be accepted as evidence in a court of law.

III.    Policy

Electronic images of University records must comply with Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) standards (72-11.93 and 72.34-2005).

University records, regardless of whether they are in electronic or paper formats, must be retained as per the applicable sections of the University Archives and Records Management Policy and other legislative, legal or policy requirements. 

To ensure the acceptance of electronic images as evidence in legal matters, once a record is quality controlled and determined to be of a good quality, the original paper source record must be shredded and disposed of within an established time frame, usually 90 days after the original scan.  The only exception will be those records defined as having permanent value.  These records should be sent to the University’s archives. 

The University Archivist is authorized to establish and inform the University community of the standards, procedures and techniques for the effective management of University records and is responsible for preserving University records of historical value.

IV.    Jurisdiction

This policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation, application and administration of this policy are the responsibility of Vice Presidents, Deans and Directors who have document management and imaging systems under their purview.