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Demotions, Reclassifications and Voluntary Transfers to a Lower Grade Procedure

I.    Procedure

1.    Inability to Meet the Requirements of the Job and Voluntary Transfer to a Lower Graded Position:

Should an employee be assigned to a lower graded position because of an inability to perform in his/her position or due to a voluntary transfer, the following salary provisions will apply.

Salary Treatment         

a.   Where at the time of the grade change the employee’s salary is equal to or higher than the scale maximum of the lower graded position, his/her salary:

i.    will be adjusted to the scale maximum of the lower graded position; and,

ii.   he/she will be eligible to receive any across-the-board scale adjuStment increases to the lower grade.

b.  Where at the time of the grade change the employee’s salary is less than the maximum of the lower graded position he will:

i.    retain his/her existing salary;

ii.    be eligible to receive any across-the-board or scale adjustment increases to the lower grade;

iii.    be eligible to progress through the range in the "normal way" to the scale maximum of the lower graded position.

2.    Organizational Changes

Should an employee’s position be evaluated at a lower level as a result of organizational requirements (e.g. reorganization of department/unit, reassignment of duties, re-evaluation of position, etc.), the following salary provisions will apply.

Salary Treatment

a.    On the effective date of the change the employee will retain his/her existing salary for a period of 12 months; thereafter the employee's salary will be adjusted to the salary scale of the lower job grade.

b.    If the employee’s salary is above the maximum of the new salary scale, he/she will be assigned to the maximum of the new scale, and will be eligible to receive any across-the-board or scale adjustment increases to the lower grade.

c.     If the employee’s salary remains below the scale maximum of the lower graded position the employee will:

i.      be eligible to receive any progression through the range of adjustments which may be forthcoming, to the scale maximum of the lower graded positions;

ii.     be eligible to receive any across-the-board or scale adjustment increases to the lower grade;

II.    Responsibility

The Executive Director, Human Resources will take the necessary action to implement the salary change and will confirm this in writing to the employee and his/her supervisor.

III.    Jurisdiction

This procedure falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation and application of this procedure is the responsibility of Human Resources.