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Delegation of Financial Signing Authority Procedure

I.    Purpose

The Execution of Contracts and Documents and Signing Approval Authority Schedule (AAS) Policy (Table 1) specifies the level of approval authority required for procurement (which includes purchasing) and expenses, excluding those payments or contracts related to Human Resources.

This procedure establishes guidelines for the delegation of financial signing authority (temporarily or permanently) and the process by which the delegation can be made.

II.    Guiding Principles

a.     Understanding and complying with the Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") Delegation of Financial Signing Authority Policy and related procedures are an essential part of the efficient and effective financial management of the University.

b.     Generally, NO person is authorized to sign/approve a document unless the authority to do so has been formally assigned, according to the current policy or through delegation.

c.     While authority and responsibility can be delegated, accountability cannotFinancial signing authority responsibility must not be delegated without careful consideration and appropriate instruction. The delegator is responsible for the supervision of employees to whom he or she has delegated authority and as such has full accountability for the transactions that individuals approve on his or her behalf.

III.    System Access

As all financial signing authority approvals require online access to the financial information systems, any or all delegated approver(s) must have their own FIS IDs and Passwords and suitable training.

For more information on training and access, visit or contact FIS Helpdesk at ext. 2688 or

IV.    Procedure: Temporary Delegation

a.     An individual with approval authority (Approver) should temporarily delegate their financial approval authority to another employee (peer, one level down OR up any number of levels, per Policy) if he or she will be away from the University for vacation or leave and will be unable to respond to requests for the approval of financial documents.

b.     A temporary delegation of financial signing authority must have a defined START and END date, generally not to exceed three (3) months. The temporary delegation must be either extended or rescinded if the Approver’s return occurs earlier or later than originally expected.

c.     Temporary Delegation of Financial Signing Authority - How-To:

i.      To delegate signing authority for purchase requisitions and/or expense reimbursement approvals, follow the ‘Vacation Rules’ steps available at any one of:

A.    OGF GL: Other / Notifications

B.    OGF: iProcurement, Requisitions, Notifications, or

C.    OGF: iExpense Approvals

Step-by-step screenshot instructions are available here:

ii.     To delegate financial signing authority for Accounts Payable Invoice Approvals,use the Alternate User Assignment option within Markview.

Note: This will move the Markview INBOX of the delegator to the individual receiving the delegation for the indicated period of time.  The delegator will not have access to those documents during the period the INBOX is assigned.

Step-by-step screenshot instructions are available here:

iii.   To rescind temporarily-delegated signing authority, the delegator should use the same process as was used to assign it.

V.    Procedure: Permanent Delegation

a.    Duration of Permanent Delegation

i.      A permanent delegation of financial signing authority has a defined START date and generally no specific END date.

ii.     Employees (the delegator or the employee being delegated to) may have a term contract and as such it may be advantageous to set a defined END date for a delegation. If the employee being delegated to has a contract end date, indicate the end date and who (if anybody) will be replacing that person at the contract end date.

b.  Permanent Delegation of Financial Signing Authority - How-To:

i.      All requests for the permanent delegation of financial signing authority shall be submitted to the Manager, Systems & Training (Financial Services) via a completed Permanent Delegation of Financial Signing Authority FORM, available here:

The form requires the approval signature of the person who has the signing authority on the cost centre/accounts to be charged (delegator), the staff member who is accepting the delegation of financial signing authority and the delegator’s supervisor.

ii.     A minimum of three (3) working days is required for the implementation of a permanent delegation of the financial signing authority.

c.  Appointed Approver Approach

Senior Executives (VP and above) can elect to use an Appointed Approver Approach, which permits an employee reporting to the approver to access the financial system under his or her own ID and password to approve specific transactions on their behalf.

i.      The delegator must specifically communicate this choice to the Manager, Systems & Training (Financial Services). The approval level of the person delegating the responsibility must be changed, as the transactions will need to be recorded under the delegated person’s own ID and PASSWORD.

ii.     For audit purposes, the individual to whom the online approval has been delegated must retain a copy of the transaction approval document (with the Approver’s original signature) for seven (7) years.

e.    Rescinding a permanent delegation of financial signing authority

Delegators wishing to rescind a permanent delegation of financial signing authority can do so by providing the Manager, Systems & Training (Financial Services) with written instructions on the changes, including the name of the employee, the effective date of the change and the name of the person (if any) who will be replacing this individual.

VI.    Responsibilities

1.     Approvers must ensure that:

a.     The Systems & Training unit of Financial Services is notified whenever a delegator or delegated individual leaves the University or is transferred to a new position, so that the appropriate adjustments can be made in the financial system (approval hierarchy, terminating individual’s queue, etc.).

b.     Purchase requisitions, purchasing card transactions and receipts, supplier invoices and expense reimbursement are not split in order to circumvent approval limit requirements.

c.     Sufficient documentation exists to substantiate a transaction.

d.     If an original receipt is missing or lost, a signed Supplemental Receipt form explaining the transaction and the reason for the missing documentation is provided before approval is granted.

e.     Invoice and reimbursement expense claims are for University purposes only and complies with all applicable University and/or external granting agency policies.

f.      A delegated approver receives appropriate instruction and training, reviews expense transactions and receipts for completeness and accuracy, and only approves transactions after determining that the goods and/or services have been received or completed to satisfaction.

g.     Approvers MUST NOT approve their own expenses, the expenses of an individual to who they report or to whom their supervisor reports.

h.     Except where otherwise indicated, reimbursement expenses are to be approved by at least one administrative level higher than the person claiming the reimbursement.

2.       Financial Services is responsible for:

a.     Receiving each form requesting a delegation of financial signing authority, and ensuring the information is captured in the financial system’s approval hierarchies;

b.    Retaining the delegation of financial signing authority forms for audit as required;

c.     Ensuring appropriate training materials are available.

VII.    Information & Assistance

For information and assistance with this procedure or policy, please contact your Financial Advisor/Financial Analyst.