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Campus Closure Procedure

  • Related Documents: Campus Closure Policy
  • Owner:  Vice-President, Administration and Operations
  • Approval Dates:  April 2000, August 2007, February 2013, November 2014, March 2020, June 2024

I.    Process 

Initiating Full Campus Closure

1.    In the case of an emergency resulting in a serious disruption to University Critical Functions, such as severe weather or utility failure, the Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, confirms the conditions on the University Premises and verifies safety issues. 

2.    Should the conditions exceed the University’s ability to ensure a safe campus and continuation of University Critical Functions, the Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, notifies the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and the Vice-President, Administration and Operations. 

3.    The Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, provides a recommendation regarding the Closure of the University Premises to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and the Vice-President, Administration and Operations. 

4.    Upon approval of the recommendation, the Executive Director, Community Safety and Security issues a notice of a Closure using TMU Safe, which is automatically posted to the University’s website. 

5.    The Provost and Vice-President, Academic, the Vice-President, Administration and Operations, and the Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, determine whether to initiate the University’s Emergency Response Procedure, including an Emergency Operations Centre and an Emergency Response Group. 

During a Closure

6.    Community Safety and Security de-activates card access to buildings and closes buildings except for those who are pre-approved to require access during closures.

7.    After the initial notice, additional updates are provided via TMU Safe if needed. University Relations and Administration and Operations Communications may also provide additional updates to the University Community using the University’s website, social media and other appropriate channels until the University reopens as needed. Computing and Communications Services updates the University phone prompt. 

8.    The Executive Director, Community Safety and Security evaluates the safety conditions on the University Premises during a Closure. 

9.    Leaders are responsible for determining the impact of a Closure on their unit’s ability to perform University Critical Functions and communicating their expectations to employees. 

10.    The Provost and Deans determine whether online teaching, learning, scholarly research and creative activities are an option. If online learning is an option, individual faculty members, in consultation with their Chair/Director, determine whether it is appropriate for their courses. Individual faculty members communicate with their students about the impact of the Closure on lectures, labs, tests or other deliverables. 

Essential Services

11.    Leaders will be required to determine whether any employees are required to stay on-site to perform work. Where this procedure conflicts with the provisions of an applicable collective agreement, the collective agreement will prevail. 

Initiate Reopening

12.    The Executive Director, Community Safety and Security determines that the hazards contributing to the safety issues are no longer present and notifies the Vice-President, Administration and Operations and the Provost and Vice-President, Academic. 

13.    The Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, provides a recommendation regarding the reopening of the University Premises to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Vice-President, Administration and Operations. The Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Vice-President, Administration and Operations will determine when to reopen the University Premises.

14.    Upon approval, the Executive Director, Community Safety and Security, issues a notice using TMU Safe stating that the University Premises are reopening and that it is “all clear. " 

15.    When necessary, University Relations and Administration and Operations Communications communicate the reopening of the University Campus using social media. Computing and Communications Services adjusts the main phone prompt. 

16.    Community Safety and Security reopens buildings and activates card access to buildings. 

II.    Timing 

1.    To initiate Closure before morning classes, the University notifies the University Community by 6 a.m. where possible. The University will include messaging about the predicted length of the Closure, including whether afternoon and evening classes are likely to be cancelled, where possible. 

2.    To initiate Closure before afternoon classes begin, the University notifies the University Community by 10:30 a.m. where possible. The University will include messaging about the predicted length of the Closure, including whether evening classes are likely to be cancelled, where possible. 

3.    To initiate Closure before evening classes begin, the University notifies the University Community by 3 p.m. where possible. 

4.    The University may announce a reopening at any time. The University considers the impact of the reopening on class schedules and employees' normal work hours. 

III.    Access to Labs and Research Materials During a Closure 

1.    Researchers who require access to a lab or research materials during a Closure may contact Community Safety and Security to arrange access. 

2.    In advance of a closure, researchers who have concerns about the impact of a Closure on access to a lab or research materials during a Closure may contact Environmental Health and Safety to identify appropriate safety protocols for their labs and research materials during a Closure.

IV.    Collaborative Programs and Multiple Campuses 

1.    Students in collaborative academic programs operated jointly by the University and another post-secondary institution should note that the University’s decision to initiate a Closure is limited to classes on the University Premises. Students who have classes at a different post-secondary institution should contact that institution for information about class cancellations. 

2.    The University will specify if the Closure applies to the university campuses. A Closure may impact one campus while normal operations may proceed at the other campus.