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Administrative Policies Framework Policy

I.    Purpose

To establish a framework for administrative policies that supports Toronto Metropolitan University’s (the “University”) mission, vision, and values as described in the Academic Plan and the Toronto Metropolitan University Act.

II.   Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a Policy Lens

The values of equity, diversity and inclusion, illustrates the University’s commitment to creating an open and accessible environment that is vibrant, inclusive and representative of an institution of excellence.  The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Lens (Appendix A of the Procedure) guides policy Owners and Approvers to follow a drafting, review, and consultation process that addresses systemic barriers, fairness and flexibility, competing interests, and encourages the use of inclusive language.  

III.   Application and Scope

The Administrative Policies Framework Policy applies to all administrative policies. Administrative policies are policies that apply university wide. This Policy does not apply to Senate policies or departmental policies.  This policy replaces the Administrative Policy Development and Distribution Policy.

IV.   Definitions

The definitions below are specific to the development and maintenance of the Policy.

“Approver” means the senior administrator or body that has the authority to approve the policy, such as:

a.    a member of the Executive Group; or

b.    the Board of Governors. 

Guideline” means general statements, recommendations, or administrative instructions that are designed to achieve a policy’s objectives by providing a framework to implement procedures.

“Owner” means the department or business unit (Financial Services or Human Resources for example) that is the primary stakeholder responsible for developing, reviewing, interpreting, and administering a policy.  The owner is a subject-matter expert in the matter covered by the policy. It is possible to have more than one owner for a policy. 

Policy” means a formal, high-level statement or plan that reflects the University’s values, goals, expectations, and accepted practices for a specified subject area.

Policy Reconciliation” means the process of ensuring policy statements do not conflict and that policy duplication is minimized.

Policy Consolidation” means the process to allow a number of policies that address the same issue or subject matter, or are otherwise duplicative, to be redrafted and consolidated into one policy.

Procedure” means the appropriate steps to comply with policy, standards or guidelines.

Standard” means a minimum expectation of threshold by which an action or rule is supported by a policy.

V.   Policy

1.    Principles:

A policy should:

a.   be broad enough to allow flexibility in dealing with diverse situations while ensuring that decisions are made based on consistent principles, values and considerations;

b.   contain focused statements of the University’s intent, governing principles, or desired results related to the subject; 

c.   include use of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Lens, included as an Appendix to the Procedure;

d.   be developed through a consultation process;

e.   be reviewed on a regular basis after the effective date;

f.   give substance to the University’s mission, vision and values statements and the Academic Plan;

g.   comply with legislated requirements;

h.   comply with government directives and policy requirements; and

i.   provide a basis for communicating operational expectations.

2.     Policy Interpretation

Policy interpretation is the responsibility of the Owner. Where there is more than one Owner, the Owners shall decide which parts of the policy for which they are each responsible.  The Owner shall communicate this information in accordance with the policy principles.

3.    Distribution and Communication

All administrative policies are posted on the University Administrative Policies website.  The version posted on this website is the official version.

4.     Incidental Amendments

The Owner may make incidental amendments to a University Administrative Policy, without undertaking a full policy review, such as adding definitions for clarity or making secondary changes resulting from other related policy decisions, provided it does not significantly alter the meaning of the policy.  Incidental amendments are subject to approval by the Approver.

5.    Procedures

The Owner shall follow the Administrative Policy Framework Procedures for the purposes of drafting, revising, approving, consolidating and retiring policies.

VI.  Roles and Responsibilities

1.    The Owner is responsible for:

a.   the content of policies and procedures;

b.   interpretation of policies and procedures;

c.   regular review of policies and procedures, which includes reconciliation of the Owner’s policies and procedures where applicable; and

d.   ensuring coordination of policies within the Owner’s area of responsibility. 

2.    The Approver is responsible for:

a.   approving policies; 

b.   ensuring a coordination of policies within the Approver’s area of responsibility; and

c.   obtaining the President’s approval of policies.

3.    The Office of the General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors is responsible for the management of administrative policies, including but not limited to:

a.   maintenance of the University Administrative Policies website;

b.   assisting with development, drafting, legal review, consolidation and retirement of administrative policies;

c.   referring inquiries about specific policies to the Owner;

d.   identifying policy gaps;

e.   assisting with coordination of legal reviews of policies; and

f.   undertaking any other policy program management administration that is required.  

The Office of the General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors shall notify the Owner which policies require review prior to the expected review date.