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Access Control - Safety and Security Community Guidelines

Safety and Security Planning (01-2004)

I.    Purpose

Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") policy 1-450 EHS Management System requires specific actions of all members of the University community in sharing responsibility for health, safety and security risk management.  These actions include identifying hazards, becoming aware of risks inherent in activities and conditions which one may be exposed to and defining and participating in measures to ensure a healthy, safe and secure working, teaching and learning environment.

The purpose of the guideline is to outline criteria for establishing plans to address personal safety and security of members of the University community and protection of its assets.

II.    Scope

These guidelines apply to all members of the University community, and are directed to those individuals having responsibility for decisions related to the use of space and equipment and authorized users within their respective areas.

III.    Guideline

1.    Directions for completing risk assessments are outlined in the Integrated Risk Management (IRM) Risk Management guidelines and form. Risk assessments shall be conducted as conditions and activities change. 

2.    In consultation with Security and Emergency Services, a safety and security plan shall be developed and documented.

3.    The plan will identify the following:

a.    access control;

b.    safety awareness and training;

c.    environmental design;

d.    safety and security communications;

e.    security devices;

f.    alarm protocols;

g.    hazard/incident reporting;

h.    emergency measures; and

i.    contingency plans for community care and business continuity.

IV.    Roles and Responsibilities

All department heads and individuals in charge of an area shall ensure that a safety and security risk assessment and management plan has been established for activities and conditions within their respective areas.  These plans shall be reviewed annually to ensure that they address current conditions.

The Department of Integrated Risk Management (IRM) shall provide advice, assistance and services for the development, implementation and maintenance of risk assessment and management plans.


Security System Alarm Protocols (02-2004)

I.    Purpose

False alarm activations divert security officer resources from emergencies and proactive programs.   In so doing, false alarms place the safety of community members truly in need of security response in jeopardy.

Therefore, to reduce incidents of false alarms and thereby enhance community safety and security efforts, the following guidelines have been established to:

1.    increase user awareness of the value of electronic security systems and their proper use as a crime prevention tool;

2.    encourage the development of procedures and systems to reduce false alarm dispatches; and

3.    develop and deploy standards and quality control measures to achieve responsible use of electronic security systems.

II.    Guidelines

1.    It is the responsibility of each department/office to ensure that the use of their security system does not cause disruption or draw emergency response resources from the university community. All false alarms caused by the department shall be noted by Campus Safety and Security and their frequency and related impact on resources shall be formally addressed by the individual department/Office.

2.    Departments must ensure that they have in place effective access control and alarm activation/deactivation procedures, and that their employees and students are well versed in those procedures.

3.    These procedures shall include:

a.    details of alarm schedules;

b.    listing of all those who are authorized to access the space;

c.    procedures for notifying Campus Safety and Security of changes to alarm schedules and authorized users;

d.    processes for advising occupants of the alarm protocols and procedures which outline their effective installation, implementation and maintenance; and

e.    listing of department contacts in the event of access related emergencies.

III.    Roles and Responsibilities

Security and Emergency Services

Security and Emergency Services shall:

a.    act in a timely matter on all reported security system problems and maintenance needs;

b.    ensure that all new security system installations meet the Center for Environmental Health, Safety and Security Management Guideline 02-2004 for Security Systems.

c.    implement procedures and system programming to prevent or cancel false alarms;

d.    advise and assist heads of departments/offices regarding their responsibilities relating to alarm system use and protocols;

e.    confirm, in writing to the department, the alarm schedule established by the department and the required procedures and measures to ensure its integrity; and

f.    ensure that when an alarm system is authorized for installation that the user department is notified of all related safety and security guidelines.

Responsibilities of Departments

Each department head or person in charge of an area shall:

a.    ensure that their users are educated on the prevention and causes of false alarms in order to successfully partner with Security and Emergency Services in security alarm protocols; and

b.    ensure that all users are  thoroughly trained on how to operate their system, including knowledge of alarm status, time zones, access procedures, telephone numbers and procedures for notifying security when entering areas after hours, the process to cancel any accidental alarm, reporting any maintenance needs and advising Security of alarm schedule changes and how to ensure that all alarm points within their areas (windows, doors, gates etc.) are secure before leaving the area.