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News & Events

Image of Gould Street, on TMU campus.



  • Congratulations to BA graduate Dinez Clarke (Class of 2021) who has been accepted into the doctoral program in Philosophy at Dalhousie University.

  • Congratulations to this year's undergraduate philosophy award winners!

Overall Academic Excellence Awards in Philosophy:

First-Year: Isabel Luengo Zamora 

Second-Year: Sam Samuel  

Third-Year: Clare Lue Tam 

Fourth-Year: Claire Stang


Essay Awards:

Gold Essay Award: Alison Leong, “Deepfakes and Dignity”

Silver Essay Award: Tristan MacLean, “Utopian Imaginations: Thinking Through Production with Simone Weil” 

Bronze Essay Award: Elena Hudson, “The Case for Magic & Mystery”

Community Service Awards:

Alexander Casucci

Noelle Tabas


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