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Faculty & Staff

Headshot of Prof. Michael Baumtrog

Michael Baumtrog
Assistant Professor
Department of Law and Business
Ted Rogers School of Management
Email: (external link) 

Headshot of Prof. Chris MacDonald

Chris MacDonald
Associate Professor
Department of Law and Business
Ted Rogers School of Management

Headshot of Prof. Sareh Pouryousefi

Sareh Pouryousefi
Assistant Professor
Department of Law and Business
Ted Rogers School of Management

Headshot of Prof. Hasko von Kreigstein

Hasko von Kriegstein
Assistant Professor
Department of Law and Business
Ted Rogers School of Management

Dr. S. Amir A. Mousavian

MA in Pure Logic, Tarbiat Modares University

PhD in Philosophy, Shahid Beheshti University

Amir Mousavian is a postdoctoral fellow, working with Dr. Boris Hennig, 2024-2026. He has worked on David Lewis’ counterfactual analysis of causation and on Aristotle’s natural philosophy, with a special focus on determinism, chance and Ibn Sina’s theory of causes and causation. Some of his main areas of interest are the ontology, identity, and questions about the nature of modality and haecciety.  

Research interests: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Philosophy of Logic, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Latin and Islamic/Arabic Medieval Philosophy
