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Open Education at Toronto Metropolitan University highlights the work that's being done at Toronto Metropolitan University in support of open education. This includes the use of open educational practices and open pedagogy in the classroom, and the creation and adoption of open educational resources. 
Learn what support is available, from grants and funding to publishing tools, find about upcoming workshops and events, and connect with other Ryerson community members working on open.

Upcoming Events

Open Access Week

October 21 to 27 is International Open Access Week (external link) . In recognition of this week, the TMU Libraries will be hosting several events. Registration details will be added as they become available.

Upcoming Significant Dates

Photo credits: Jason Blackeye (external link) theverticalstory (external link) Erik Ringsmuth (external link) Liam Shaw (external link) 

Photos on this site were taken from Unsplash (external link) , a great source for free, openly licensed images to use in your publications and teaching.