Aida Haghighi
Dr. Haghighi is available to supervise Occupational and Public Health (MSc) students in 2025-2026.
I joined the School of Occupational and Public Health at Toronto Metropolitan University in July, 2021. I am an industrial engineer with both academic and industrial experience.
I hold a PhD from Polytechnique Montreal and obtained my master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Iran. All three are in industrial engineering. I conducted my doctorate program in the field of occupational health and safety (OHS), with a focus on bypassing safeguards on machinery as a common OHS problem in industry. In parallel with my doctoral studies, I had an opportunity to collaborate with a team of researchers from various fields who were working at Polytechnique Montreal and IRSST on a new research project about the impacts of Industry 4.0 on occupational safety.
In addition to my academic background, I have nine years of experience at National Gas Company as a senior systems analysis specialist and then advanced to be head of the Systems Analysis Department. I have worked on implementing, auditing and maintaining integrated management systems, including an OHS management system (OHSAS 18001), a quality management system (ISO 9001) and an environmental management system (ISO 14001). I audited OHS and process performance as a certified internal auditor/lead auditor along with the audit team.
My passion is conducting and collaborating in knowledge-sharing activities and research studies in the fields of my specialization, which generally speaking, include industrial safety, OHS management systems and audit, OHS risk management and continual improvement.
Research interests:
- Industrial safety
- OHS management system (e.g., ISO 45001) and audit
- Industry 4.0 and OHS
- OHS risk management
- Continual improvement and productivity
- Integrated management systems in organizations (integrating OHS issues with business processes (operational/supporting/management processes))
Research projects:
- Understanding and preventing the bypassing of safeguards on machinery through an assessment tool based on probability levels (Doctorate), École Polytechnique de Montréal, Québec, Canada, (2016-2020).
- Thesis recognized as “the best doctoral thesis 2020" of the industrial engineering program at Polytechnique Montreal, 2020
- Scholarship awarded for a research study abroad (during PhD) and granted by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), 2016 to 2020
- Selected as Employee of the Year at the National Iranian Gas Transmission Company (District 3), 2011
- Scholarship awarded for master’s research granted by the National Iranian Gas Company, 2008-2012
- Hired at the National Iranian Gas Company under Elite Employees Law, 2007