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Cool TMU student jobs

Part 1 in a series showcasing how students levelled up this summer
By: Lindsey Craig
September 05, 2024
Josh Hoven and his colleagues from the VIEW Dance Challenge pose on set.

Above, TMU student Josh Hoven, fifth from left, on the set of the VIEW Dance Challenge. He is pictured with his colleagues, from left: Sejon Balachandran, Andrew Clifton, Gabi Trudel and Victoria Patterson, and third from right, Kiara Iaco, Renee Chartrand and Murphy Owusu. (Photo: Courtesy of Josh Hoven)

From working on Canada's Favourite Dance Competition, to collecting data to help cancer patients, to gaining hands-on farming experience on Salt Spring Island – this past summer, TMU students grew their skills and experiences in big ways.

Recently, TorontoMet Today caught up with five of these students, to learn the ins and outs of their experiences, the valuable skills they gained, life lessons they learned, what they loved the most and more. 

Below, check out Part 1 of our series showcasing Joshua Hoven, a Creative Industries student who worked for Canada’s Favourite Dance Competition, and Marwah Azizi, a Public Health ‘24 grad who worked as a cancer researcher at University Health Network.

See what they learned in these roles and how these experiences are helping prepare them for the future. And next Friday, tune in for part two of the series, when you’ll meet students who worked at Billboard Canada, a farm on Salt Spring Island and for TMU’s orientation team.

Joshua Hoven

Position: Planning and Coordination
Company: Canada's Favourite Dance Competition (VIEW Dance Challenge Inc.)
Program: Creative Industries, 3rd year

Creative Industries student Josh Hoven poses for a photo with the CEO of VIEW Dance Challenge and one of the show’s event planners.

Creative Industries student Josh Hoven, left, is pictured with the CEO of VIEW Dance Challenge Kristen Maurice, centre, and Event Planner Annika McCabe. Both Maurice and McCabe are also TMU Performance - Dance program graduates. (Photo: Courtesy of Josh Hoven)

Describe this job for us…

As a planning and coordination intern, I assist in the organization of four convention events hosted across Canada. From reaching out to industry leaders, to handling deal memos and contracts in coordination with talent agencies, each day is exciting and unpredictable which makes for a unique learning atmosphere with plenty to absorb.

What makes this job “cool” ? 

I’d say what makes this job ‘cool’ is being able to see my projects come to life. It started with watching my social media copy posted to our official social pages, and then moved to securing a contract after days of negotiation. This was certainly rewarding and fulfilling. I’m learning lots about the behind the scenes of the dance industry, and how much planning goes into creating such spectacular events.

Creative Industries student Josh Hoven poses for a group photo with dancers from "Forward Dance Academy" at an Ottawa competition this past spring.

Creative Industries student Josh Hoven, in red blazer far left, with dancers from Forward Dance Academy at an Ottawa competition this past spring. This studio won the "Top Studio" award. (Photo: Courtesy of Josh Hoven)

What skills or experience are you gaining that could help in your future career?

Absolutely. My internship mirrors what I’m looking for after graduating. It’s a perfect example of taking skills I’ve learned from school and applying them in the real world. Having been given the opportunity to take initiative on projects has allowed me to explore my creative-self, and stretch my imagination as to what I can accomplish.

What’s the most valuable aspect of this job/experience for you?

I think the most valuable aspect of my internship would be how involved I am with current projects. Having the chance to be deeply involved has allowed me to learn from team members across various areas of the industry. Being at the forefront of a company can be intimidating, and difficult to grasp at first, yet after a while it began to feel rewarding to be responsible for client interactions and actively working with the team to achieve a greater goal.”

What has been the best day or moment in this job for you so far, and why?

I’d say my most memorable time with my company was when I was given the chance to participate in a “Think Tank” meeting. Although considered a meeting, the Think Tank was very open ended and promoted collaboration which was a joy to participate in. Bouncing off of others’ ideas and thinking out of the box was challenging, but rewarding, and a great way to mix with the team.

What do you love most about it overall? 

How welcoming every team member has been. From day one, I was treated like part of the team and welcomed with open arms. Although we obviously prioritize our work, there is still time for laughs and small talk, which allows me to get to know my team members better and creates a special place to work.

Anything you’d like to add?

To anyone afraid of entering into the business of the arts, specifically within dance, please know that opportunities exist and it is possible to create a career out of it. I’m always here for a conversation or coffee if you’d ever like to discuss anything dance or school related.

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Marwah Azizi

Position: Summer Research Student, UHN Summer Training And Research (STAR) Program 
Company: CAR-T Cell Therapy Research at University Health Network (UHN) 
Program: Public Health ’24

Marwah Azizi stands in front of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Marwah Azizi says working as a student researcher at University Health Network “will forever amaze and inspire” her. (Photo: Courtesy of Marwah Azizi)

Describe this job for us…

In this role, I was involved in the data collection and analysis process, focusing on patients who had undergone CAR T-cell therapy, a revolutionary form of immunotherapy designed to treat specific blood cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia. 

My responsibilities included reviewing and extracting critical patient information from EPIC electronic medical records, ensuring accurate and comprehensive data was gathered for the study. This data was crucial for assessing the effectiveness and safety of CAR T-cell therapy in Canadian patients, which involves genetically modifying a patient’s T-cells to target and destroy cancer cells.

Additionally, I supported research fellows by conducting literature reviews targeted at finding specific metrics relevant to various studies under Dr. Sita Bhella's supervision.

My work as part of the UHN Summer Training and Research (STAR) Program in Medical Oncology & Haematology, provided valuable insights into clinical outcomes and the broader implications of this advanced therapy.

What makes this job “cool” ?

This experience will forever amaze and inspire me for several profound reasons:

  • Cutting-Edge Research: Being part of a study focused on CAR T-cell therapy means working on one of the most advanced and innovative treatments in cancer care today. CAR T-cell therapy represents a new frontier in immunotherapy which offers hope to patients with blood cancers who may not respond to traditional treatments.
  • Direct Impact on Patient Care: The data you collect and analyze directly contributes to improving patient outcomes. Your work helps assess the effectiveness and safety of CAR T-cell therapy, which could potentially save lives and transform the future of cancer treatment.
  • Collaboration with Experts: Working under the supervision of Dr. Sita Bhella, a leading clinician in the field, provided an opportunity to learn from an expert in oncology and hematology. It was a chance to see how top-tier research is conducted and to contribute to meaningful medical advancements.
  • Diverse Learning Experience: The role was not limited to just one aspect of research. I was involved in data collection, analysis, and literature reviews, allowing me to develop a well-rounded skill set in medical research.
  • Real-World Application: The work you do has immediate relevance and application in the real world. The insights gained from your research can influence clinical practices and lead to improvements in how cancer is treated.

Contributing to a Larger Mission: Being part of the UHN Summer Training and Research (STAR) Program connected me to a broader community of researchers and clinicians who are dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes.

Marwah Azizi stands in front of the stairs outside Princess Margaret Hospital.

Marwah Azizi says her Public Health studies at TMU were crucial in helping her excel in her research position at University Health Network. (Photo: Courtesy of Marwah Azizi)

What skills or experience are you gaining that could help in your future career?

This job is closely aligned with my studies and future career goals. With a background in public health and my pursuit of a master of disaster and emergency management, this role offers invaluable experience in the health-care field. 

Working on CAR T-cell therapy research deepens my understanding of cutting-edge treatments and patient care, directly supporting my ambition to pursue a career in health care. The skills and insights I’ve gained are essential for my future career, particularly in integrating innovative medical practices with disaster and emergency management strategies. 

Furthermore, this experience will make me a highly committed medical school applicant and student, showcasing my dedication to advancing health-care and my ability to contribute meaningfully to research that positively impacts patient outcomes.”

Did your studies or experience at TMU help you land this position?

Yes, my studies and experiences at TMU were crucial in helping me excel in this position. Courses in research methods, biostatistics, data management, and risk assessment provided me with a solid foundation for analyzing and interpreting clinical data. Moreover, my role in TMU's School of Medicine Student Advisory Council honed my communication and teamwork skills, allowing me to effectively engage with a diverse team of healthcare professionals which was key for collaborating successfully on the CAR T-cell therapy research project.”

What’s the most valuable aspect of this job/experience for you?

Impact.The most valuable aspect of this job for me is the tangible impact my work has on advancing cancer treatment. By contributing to research on CAR T-cell therapy, I am directly involved in a groundbreaking approach that has the potential to transform patient outcomes and offer new hope to those with blood cancers.

What has been the best day or moment in this job for you so far, and why?
The best moment in this job so far was when I saw the successful progress of our research project, especially when multiple people worked on the same file at times and the data began to come together. Seeing this was a big moment for me, as it highlighted the power of collaboration and how each person’s contribution was crucial to our success. It reinforced the impact of our work and gave me a strong sense of accomplishment and motivation.”

What do you love most about it overall?

What I love most about this role is the opportunity to contribute to oncology research, which aligns perfectly with my passion for the field. Working on CAR T-cell therapy and seeing how advanced treatments can transform patient outcomes is incredibly inspiring. While society often has a very hopeless perception when it comes to cancer diagnoses, being directly and closely involved in research allows me to witness the amazing progress being made in cancer research and the development of enhanced treatments and therapies.

Anything to add?

Through this role, I've observed that many patients face significant challenges in accessing advanced treatments due to their demographics and social determinants of health, such as financial constraints. This realization has further strengthened my commitment to advocating for health equity. Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to access cutting-edge therapies, regardless of their background, is a crucial aspect of my future career goals and drives my passion for making a meaningful impact in the health-care field.”

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Check out three more cool summer job experiences in Part 2 of our series on Friday, Sept. 13.

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