PHOTOS: Learning, celebrating and honouring Indigenous history and culture
Indigenous Education Week
Indigenous Education Week was full of educational programming and featured over 20 events including a ribbon skirt-making workshop, a drumming social, a two-spirit identity presentation, beading and earring-making workshops, Pow Wow fitness, tea with Elders, film screenings, an Inuit culture presentation, a tour of the Indigenous medicine garden and so much more.
Pwaaganigaawin Student-led Pow Wow
On Sept. 23, the TMU community came together for the first in-person TMU Pow Wow since 2019. Indigenous undergraduates Mercedes Massingale, social work; Emma Yerxa, criminology; and Gabrielle McMann, journalism, co-led the planning of the Pow Wow through paid positions, providing employment and experience to Indigenous students. The Pow Wow included a sunrise ceremony, Pow Wow etiquette, grand entry, dancing, drumming, singing, a vendor market and more.
Ozaawaa Babigoyaan Giizhigad (Orange Shirt Day)
Orange Shirt Day feedback form
If you attended Orange Shirt Day, please fill out this feedback form (external link) by Monday, Oct. 16 to let us know your thoughts about the event. We want to hear from you so that we can continue to improve our logistics and content for future Indigenous events at TMU. For further information and/or discussion, email
On behalf of the Orange Shirt Day organizing committee, we thank you all for coming together in commemoration. If you would like to join the organizing committee for next year or contribute in some way, please email the chair of the organizing committee, Crystal Osawamick at
Upcoming Indigenous events on campus
- (google form) Treaties Recognition Week, November 6-10 (external link)
- Gdoo-maawnjidmi Mompii Indigenous Student Services events
Interested in volunteering for a future Indigenous event? Fill out this (google form) volunteer sign-up form (external link) , open to all Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, faculty and staff.