President Mohamed Lachemi updates campus community on winter term
As shared with the community earlier this month, the university has been closely monitoring public health assessments of the spread of the Omicron variant in our province, and modifying our plans as needed to protect the health and safety of the Ryerson community.
Given the continued assurance from public health authorities that the spread of this variant will begin to abate in the coming weeks, the university will begin a gradual return to campus on January 31, with a full return expected by February 28, 2022.
The return to in-person learning will be program and faculty-specific. Further guidance and information for students will be provided by departments in the days ahead. Faculty and contract lecturers will receive additional information from deans and/or chairs and directors. Human Resources will continue to provide support to leaders on returning staff to campus and future of work plans.
Health and well-being
Our commitment to the health and safety of the university community continues to guide our decisions. In keeping with the ongoing direction provided by public health authorities, the university is confident that a return to our campus is safe. Recent updates from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health indicate that the number of cases resulting in hospitalizations and ICU stays are decelerating and we are beginning to see a decline in test positivity rates – both indications that the spread of the virus is slowing. This progress, coupled with the practices and policies included in Ryerson’s multi-layered approach to safety on campus enable us to welcome back our students, faculty and staff.
A return to in-person learning is in the best interests of students – we know that the collaboration and conversation that happens in classrooms and labs, the access to in-person supports both in the classroom and beyond, and the community and relationships created by on-campus extra-curricular activities are just a few of the benefits of returning to campus. In-person interactions and engagement will also support and enrich the work of faculty and staff. I hope that many of you will welcome this return and see it as an opportunity to begin a post-pandemic way of living, learning and working.
Thank you
As always, I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to our entire community for your continued flexibility, understanding and cooperation. I know that this prolonged state of uncertainty and change has been challenging for all of us, regardless of our role at our university.
Please continue to visit Ryerson’s COVID-19 website for updates, information on how we keep campus safe, and details on critical components of ensuring our continued collective safety, such as the university’s mask and vaccination protocols.
I look forward to seeing many of you on campus this semester.
Mohamed Lachemi
President and Vice-Chancellor