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Wellbeing Week - DCC Urban Farm Tour

October 05, 2023
1:30 PM EDT - 2:15 PM EDT
DCC Rooftop Farm, 8th Floor, Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex, 288 Church Street

As part of this year's Wellbeing Week programming, The Urban Farm invites you to celebrate the harvest at this free event on October 5th on the Daphne Cockwell Complex (DCC) rooftop farm.

Guided tour:

The event will begin with a rooftop tour of the Indigenous Foodways and Black Food Sovereignty Harvest Collective and Learning Circle, courtesy of Wellness Week’s Cultivating Connections program. The tour will be 45 minutes in duration prior to the launch of the Harvest part.

The Urban Farm's second rooftop space atop the DCC, is the first purpose-built green roof under the City of Toronto's Green Roof By-law for food production, and is the dedicated home to its Indigenous Foodways Program and Black Food Sovereignty Initiative.

The Indigenous Foodways Program stewards growing spaces here that celebrate traditional Indigenous ecological knowledge and ways of growing, while producing crops and medicines for our community.

The Black Food Sovereignty Initiative has a dedicated garden here called the Harvest Collective & Learning Circle, which seeks to engage Black communities through the cultivation of food and providing education opportunity addressing Black food sovereignty.

The Urban Farm welcomes the TMU community to join for a guided tour of this new rooftop space and learn about these two food sovereignty initiatives here. Participants should arrive 5-10 mins before the tour begins at the main entrance doors of the DCC at 288 Church Street. The rooftop space is a card-access only entry, and latecomers will not be admitted.

All participants in the tour will be invited to stay after the tour for the Urban Farm's Harvest Party where there will be free delicious snacks and tea, a seed exchange, and a raffle draw to win garden goodies.