Plenary Session 1
Redefining Normal in a Post-Pandemic World
November 13, 10:10 - 11 a.m. EST
During the pandemic, we have regularly heard people say that they can’t wait until their lives go back to “normal”. In this panel, we will unpack the ways in which that “normal” is unsatisfactory for law students, lawyers, judges and especially for the clients we serve. Many communities, including Indigenous, racialized, women and girls, LGBTQ2I+, and people with disabilities, found themselves excluded from access to the legal system and different forms of justice before the pandemic. For some, such as certain people with disabilities who rely on technology to communicate or live with mobility challenges, society has quickly made positive technological advances that improved accessibility. For others, the pandemic has disproportionately reduced their access to basic services, including justice. As we look to emerge post-pandemic, how do we retain the advances made for some while rejecting the past experiences of “normal” that marginalized so many? How do we move to reset practices within our legal community?
Dr. Jennifer Orange, Assistant Professor, Lincoln Alexander School of Law
Dr. Laverne Jacobs, Professor of Law, University of Windsor; Visiting Scholar, Lincoln Alexander School of Law
Khalid Janmohamed, Inaugural Director, Legal Clinic Programs, Lincoln Alexander School of Law
Lorin MacDonald, Founder & CEO, HearVue
Julia Shin Doi, General Counsel, Secretary of the Board of Governors and University Privacy Officer, Ryerson University
Dr. Rinaldo Walcott, Director, Women and Gender Studies Institute, Faculty of Arts and Science; Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto