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The Apprentice Program

Website banner for the Apprentice Program


The IBZ Apprentice Program connects Toronto Metropolitan University students with IBZ startups to create work-integrated learning opportunities.

This is a 4 month paid program (running between September - December 2024) where students and Innovation Boost Zone (IBZ) startups are matched as Apprentice and startup. In this program, the Apprentices get to experience what it’s like working at a startup first-hand, working on various tasks and projects in certain specializations. At the end of the placement the Apprentice will receive a $825 stipend. 

The vision behind the Apprentice program is to provide IBZ startups the talent support they need and make progress in their ventures. On the flip side, this program also supports Toronto Metropolitan University students by enabling them to grow their portfolio, experience, and resume for further job opportunities, while also providing the space for students to engage with the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Apprentice Program is open to all Toronto Metropolitan University undergraduate students and current IBZ startups. If you are unsure if you qualify, please contact



Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 @5PM EST

Applications for startups close.

Friday July 5th, 2024

Shortlisted startup candidates are notified.

The IBZ team will review the startup applications, and shortlist the successful candidates based on if they are classified as an active IBZ startup.

NOTE: Shortlisted candidates are not fully accepted into the program, but rather accepted to move to the next phase of the application process - that being the matchmaking portion.

Monday July 22nd

@12AM (EST)

Applications for Toronto Metropolitan University students close.

Wednesday July 24th, 2024 - Thursday August 8th, 2024


The IBZ startups will review the applications of the students and interview the students they are interested in working with during this period.

This is how startups will determine who they will be moving forward with in the Apprentice Program.

Thursday August 8th, 2024

Startups select their final candidates

The IBZ startups will let the IBZ team know of their top candidates for the program. With this information, the IBZ team wil begin creating final matches between the startups and students.

Monday August 19th, 2024 - Wednesday August 28th, 2024

Everyone is matched - those not successful will be notified. 

At this point, the IBZ startups would have made their final Apprentice selection. The IBZ team will send an email to all successful candidates confirming their matches. Those unsuccessful will be notified.

Wednesday September 4th 2024

Onboarding day/Program start

The IBZ team will host an onboarding session for the startups and Apprentices - running through the programming, expectations and best practices for the term.

Friday December 6th, 2024

Program End

This is the last day the Apprentice is allowed to work for the startup. All projects should be concluded by this date.

Toronto Metropolitan University Students

  • You must be a current full-time or part-time undergraduate student at Toronto Metropolitan University during September to December 2024.
  • You must be a domestic student at Toronto Metropolitan University.
  • You must be a Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or person on whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
  • You must be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.

Outside of basic program eligibility requirements, additional position requirements are determined by the hiring startups. Nearing the application deadline, we will share the list of hiring startups and the roles they are looking to fill. From there, you'll be able to better understand the details of any requested skills, tasks and expectations.

IBZ Startups

  • You must be currently listed as an incubated team in IBZ.
  • Your projects must be easily incorporated in a students' busy schedules. They must be part-time (max. 20hrs/month).
  • You must make an in-kind (non-monetary) contribution in lieu of payment to students - we account for your time and expertise working with and supporting the student.

The program details are as follows:

  • The program runs for 4 months from September - December 2023.
  • The Apprentices paid positions. They will receive a $825 stipend at the end of the placement.
  • The Apprentices are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per month. 
  • To successfully participate in the program, students and startups must participate in a match-making process in July 2023 (read more about the process in “The Match-Making Process” section)
  • Once matched, the Apprentice and startup will sign two agreements to set expectations before the term begins. The first is a team agreement to set guidelines on collaboration expectations and the second is a confidentiality agreement on behalf of the startup’s project.

All interested participants (meaning, both startups and students) must participate in a match-making process. This process breakdown is as follows:

STEP 1: Once applications for students close, IBZ startups will be expected to review the applications of students that have the relevant specializations for their position. From these pools of applicants, the startups will begin to contact and interview the students in which they are interested in working with (see Significant Dates for exact timelines).

STEP 2: After the interview period, startups will determine their final Apprentice candidates to move forward with for the program. With this information, the IBZ team will create the final matches for the program.

NOTE: All interested applicants must have availability throughout the summer for important email communications. In addition, to support a successful match-making process, all applicants are expected to check their emails regularly until matches are finalized.

If accepted in the program, IBZ startups will receive an introduction session to project management. Through the program itself, startups can expect to gain managerial experience and learn what it takes to lead a team.

Accepted startups are expected to provide their maximum commitment in the program. This includes:

  • Completing any and all mandatory check-in points with the IBZ team.
  • Continuous and clear communication with your Apprentice.
  • Being a strong leader to support your Apprentice.

Inability to accomplish the above commitments will result in risking your ability to apply to future intakes.

Please see the significant dates section for program key dates. To apply, please see the bottom of this page.

If accepted into the program, alongside working with your matched startup, you will be supplemented with the following programming:

  • Mandatory check-ins with the IBZ team to ensure you feel well-supported throughout the program.
  • Access to book office hour sessions with the IBZ team where you can share program feedback, or get any extra advice or support you may need. 
  • Access to IBZ and Centre of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship sessions, workshops and other opportunities to engage with our community.

Please see the significant dates section for program key dates.

IBZ Startups

Applications close Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 @5PM EST

Toronto Metropolitan University Students

Applications close Monday July 22nd, 2024 @12AM ET