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2024 Calendar

* Indicates that the dates will be confirmed closer to the month of the specified observance.

Date Religious and Cultural Observances

Temple Day - Buddhism
Gantan-sai (New Years) - Shinto
Feast Day of St. Basil - Orthodox Christianity (Eastern Churches)
Feast of Holy Name of Jesus - Orthodox Christianity
2 Feast Day of St. Basil - (Western Churches)

Birth of Guru Gobind Singh - Sikhism
Twelfth Night - Christianity
6 Epiphany - Christian
Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany) - Orthodox Christianity
DDia de los Reyes (Three Kings Day) - Christianity
Nativity of Christ - Armenian Orthodox
 7 Christmas Day - Rastafarian
Feast of the Nativity - Orthodox Christian
Baptism of the Lord Jesus - Christianity
13 Makar Sankranti - Hinduism
Lohri - Hinduism/Sikhism
14 Makar Sankranti - Hinduism
Feast Day of St. Basil - Julian Calendar
New Year - Eastern Orthodox
Makar Sankranti - Hinduism
17 Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh - Sikhism
18 Sakyamuni Buddha's Enlightenment (Nirvana Day) - Buddhism
18 - 25 Week of Prayer for Christianity Unity - Christianity
19 Feast of Epiphany - Orthodox Christianity
20 Timkat - Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity
21 World Religion Day - Baha'i
25 Mahayana New Year - Buddhism
Conversion of St. Paul - Christianity
28 St. Sava Divine Service - Christianity Serbian Orthodox
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 - 2 Imbolc (Candlemas) – Pagan/Wiccan
2 Candlemas - Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Christianity
3 Setsubun (beginning of spring) - Shinto
8 Isra'a and Mi'raj - Islam
10 Lunar New Year/Maiotrey Bodhisattva's Birthday - Buddhism
Losar/Tibetan New Year - Buddhism
13 Shrove Tuesday - Christianity
Vasant Panchami - Hinduism
 14 Lent Begins - Christianity
Ash Wednesday - Christianity
15 Nirvana Day - Buddhist - Jain
24 Lantern Festival/Magha Puja - Buddhism
25 Nisfu Sha'ban - Islam
26 - 29 Intercalary Days - Bahá'i
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 - 19 Bahá'i Fast - Bahá'i
8 Maha Shivaratri - Hinduism
10 Meatfare Sunday - Orthodox Christianity
10 Ramadan begins - Islam
14 Sikh New Year - Sikhism
17 Cheesefare Sunday - Orthodox Christianity
18 Great Lent - Clean Monday - Orthodox Christianity
19 Ladyday - Wicca
19 Norooz (New Year) - Iranian/Persian/Zoroastrian
20 Naw Ruz (New Year) - Bahá'i
21 Eid-e-Navroz - Islam
Navroze (New Year) - Zoroastrianism
Ostara - Vernal Equinox - Wicca/Neo Pagan
23 Purim begins - Judaism
24 Purim ends - Judaism
Palm Sunday - Christianity
25 Holi - Hinduism
26 Hola Mohalla - Sikhism
Khordad Sal (FC) - Zoroastrianism

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Birthday - Buddhism
Lent ends - Christianity
Maundy Thursday - Christianity
29 Good Friday - Christianity
31 Easter (Western) - Christianity
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 Easter Monday - Christianity
5 Jumatul Widha - Islam
Lailat-ul-Qadr - Islam
8 Farvardegan - Zoroastrianism
9 New Year - Hinduism
Vasant Navratri begins - Hinduism
9 Ramadan ends - Islam
10 Eid al Fitr - Islam
12 - 14 Jalsa Salana - Islam
13 Theravada New Year - Buddhism
Vaisakhi - Sikhism
Vaisakhi/Baisakhi - Hinduism
16 Shri Ramnavami  - Hinduism
20 First day of Ridvan - Bahá'i
21 Mahavir Janmakalyanak - Jainism
22 Passover/Pesach begins - Judaism
23 Hanuman Jayanti - Hinduism
24 Theravadin New Year begins - Buddhism
26 Theravadin New Year ends - Buddhism
27 Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox Christianity
28 Ninth day of Ridvan - Bahá'i
30 Passover/Pesach ends - Judaism
31 - May 1 Beltane - Wicca
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 Twelfth Day of Ridvan - Baha'i
3 Orthodox Christian Good Friday
5 Easter (Pascha) - Orthodox Christianity
6 Yom HaShoah - Judaism
Easter Monday - Christianity
9 Ascension of Jesus - Christianity
12 Yom Ha Zikaron begins - Judaism
13 Yom Ha Zikaron ends - Judaism
Yom Ha'Atzmaut begins - Judaism
14 Yom Ha'Atzmaut ends - Judaism
15 or 22 Sakyamuni Buddha's Birthday - Buddhism
19 Pentecost - Christianity
22 Zarathosht-no-diso - Zoroastrianism
23 Visakha Puja - Wesak/Buddha Day - Buddhism
Declaration of the Bab - Baha'i
25 Lag B'Omer begins - Judaism
26 Lag B'Omer ends - Judaism
Trinity Sunday - Christianity
28 Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh - Bahá'i
30 Corpus Christi - Catholic Christianity
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
10 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev - Sikhism
11 Shavuot begins - Judaism
13 Shavuot ends - Judaism
13 Ascension of Jesus - Orthodox Christianity
15 Waqfatu'Arafat - Islam
16 Eid-ul-Adha - Islam
19 New Church Day - Swedenborgian Christianity
21 Litha/Summer Solstice - Wicca
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Poson - Buddhism
30 All Saints Day - Christianity
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
7 New Year (Hijra) - Islam
9 Martyrdom of the Báb - Bahá'i
11 Imamat Day - Islam
12 - 14 Jalsa Salana - Islam
15 St. Vladimir - Christianity
16 Ashura - Islam
Navroze (New Year) - Zoroastrianism
21 Asalha Puja Day (Dhamma Day) - Buddhism
Guru Purnima - Hinduism and Jainism
Asalha Puja Day - Buddhism
Khordad Sal - Zoroastrianism
23 Emperor Haile Selassie Birthday - Rastafarian
24 Pioneer Day - Mormon Christianity
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Enlightenment - Buddhism
31 - Aug 1 Lughnasadh/Lammas - Wicca
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 Lammas - Christianity
3 Farvadegan - Zoroastrianism
6 Transfiguration of the Lord - Orthodox Christianity
12 Tishah B'Av begins - Judaism
13 Tishah B'Av ends - Judaism
Obon (Ulambana) begins - Buddhist/Shinto
15 Obon (Ulambana) ends - Buddhist/Shinto
Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary - Orthodox Christianity
Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic Christianity
Navroze (New Year) - Zoroastrianism
18 Sangha Day/Ullambana - Buddhism
19 Raksha Bandhan - Hinduism
20 Khordad Sal - Zoroastrianism
26 Krishna Janmashtami - Hinduism
Arbaeen - Islam
31 Paryushan Parva begins - Jainsim
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
 1 or 4 Installation of Holy Scriptures of Guru Granth Sahib - Sikhism
2 Farvardegan - Zoroastrianism
* Religious year begins - Orthodox Christianity
6 Ganesh/Vinayak Chauth - Hinduism
8 Samvatsari/Paryushan Parva ends/Daslakshan Parva begins - Jainism
11 Nayrouz - Christianity
Ethiopian New Year - Rastafarian
15 Milad-un-Nabi - Islam
17 Anant Chaturdashi - Hinduism and Jainism
Kshamavani/Daslakshan Parva ends - Jainism
22 Harvestide/Fall Equinox - Wicca/Neo Pagan
30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Orange Shirt Day
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
2 Rosh Hashanah begins - Judaism
3 Sharad Navratri begins - Hinduism
4 Rosh Hashanah ends - Judaism
10 Durgaashtami - Hinduism
11 Yom Kippur begins - Judaism
12 Navratri ends - Hinduism
Vijaya Dashmi/Dassehra - Hinduism
Yom Kippur ends - Judaism
16 Sukkot begins - Judaism
17 Kathina Ceremony/Pavarana Day - Buddhism
20 Installation of Scriptures as Guru Granth - Sikhism
Karva Chauth - Hinduism
21 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Pravrajya - Buddhism
23 Sukkot ends - Judaism
Shemini Atzeret begins - Judaism
Simchat Torah begins - Judaism
24 Shemini Atzeret ends - Judaism
Simchat Torah ends - Judaism
31 Reformation Day - Protestant Christianity
Samhain begins - Wicca/Neo Pagan
Diwali (Deepavali) - Hinduism
* Bandi Chhor Divas - Sikhism
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
1 All Saints Day - Christianity
New Year - Hinduism
Diwali/Lord Mahavir - Jainism
Bandi Chhor Divas - Sikhism
2 Crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie - Rastafarian
New Year/Enlightenment day of Gautamswami - Jainism
Birth of the Báb - Bahá'i
3 Birth of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i
6 Gnan Panchami - Jainism
* Nativity Fast begins - Orthodox Christianity
15 Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Sikhism
17 Dev Diwali - Jainism
24 Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur - Sikhism
25 Day of the Covenant - Baha'i
27 Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha - Baha'i
28 and Dec 1 First Day of Advent - Christianity
Date Religious and Cultural Observances
4 Installation of Guru Granth as Guru - Sikhism
6 Martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur - Sikhism
8 Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) - Buddhism
13 Birthday of Imam Aga Khan - Islam
17 Amitabha Buddha's Birthday - Buddhism
21 Yule/Winter Solstice - Wicca
25 Christmas - Christianity
25 - Jan 2 Chanukah - Judaism
26 Zarathosht Diso (Death of Prophet Zarathushtra) - Zoroastrianism
26 - Jan 1 Kwanzaa - African Canadian and American Celebration
31 Watch Night - Christianity