
Explore the various services available on campus to support your graduate education
Academic services
Academic Accommodation Support provides confidential services to students who live with disabilities that affect their studies. If you need accommodation, contact the Student Learning Support Reception desk to book an appointment. If you have already registered, you can view and send your Accommodation Letters to professors, schedule tests and exams with accommodations and register for skill-building workshops online.
Central computer labs for general purpose are available for all Toronto Metropolitan students and they provide access to many software applications. Your school or department may have other facilities available for your use. Lab hours vary throughout the year. Rooms with teaching access are available as drop-in labs approximately 50% of the time. Weekly room schedules are posted on the lab doors every Monday morning and online.
The University is governed by the Senate and the Board of Governors. The Senate consists of 51 elected members including students, faculty, librarians, alumni and 18 non-elected members of the administration, including the Chancellor.
The Board consists of students, members of the public, alumni, faculty and administrative staff. Elections normally take place in the winter term.
The Academic Integrity Office (AIO) is a neutral office that seeks to promote a culture of integrity and educational excellence at Toronto Metropolitan University.
(PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan University's Policy 60: Academic Integrity applies to all students at the University. Toronto Metropolitan expects you to display exemplary personal and academic ethics and values. Please read, understand and follow this policy.
Please also familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity Office student resources.
Obtain professional guidance in improving your academic skills with Graduate Student Learning Support.
Graduate Student Support is for individuals who are looking for help with academic skills and the demands of graduate-level study. SLLS offers services for Master’s or PhD students. Book an individual appointment to discuss research papers, grant applications, theses and dissertations. Graduate students can join a graduate writing group, meet with a dissertation coach, or attend our Dissertation Retreats to develop academic skills specific to graduate education.
Programming will be offered virtually for the spring/summer semesters. Students can find an overview of services and supports and register for all of our programs at Graduate Student Support.
1-on-1 Writing Appointments
Graduate students can book up to two appointments per week with a graduate writing consultant for one-on-one help with academic writing, research, grant applications, thesis/MRP writing, and more.
Dissertation Coaching
Feeling stuck in the writing process for your PhD dissertation? Meet with a dissertation coach to develop writing strategies, set up an accountability system, and receive direction and feedback on the written components of your dissertation.
Graduate workshops
SLLS offers interactive workshops on a variety of graduate-focused writing topics, designed to help you become more familiar with the essential skills necessary for academic success in graduate school, and invite you to interact with your peers. Each workshop consists of two parts (50-minutes each) offered in tandem: a) Instructional (Theory) and b) Peer-review (Practice).
You can register for the workshops here by selecting “Graduate Student Support” and then “Workshops”. Workshops are offered during the fall and winter semesters and as in-class presentations upon request.
Dissertation/MRP Coaching
Feeling stuck in the writing process for your PhD dissertation or Master's MRP? Meet with a dissertation coach to develop writing strategies, set up an accountability system, and receive direction and feedback on your process, approach, or the structure of your dissertation
How it works:
- (google form) Submit a request for a 50 minute 1-on-1 appointment with a dissertation/MRP coach (external link)
- The initial appointment will include an informal needs assessment and goal setting
- Subsequent sessions will focus on the progression of your goals and providing feedback unique to your writing needs
What we can help with:
- Identifying and setting goals
- Establishing good work habits and setting up an accountability system
- Developing a strategy and a realistic writing schedule
- Preparing for defences
- Building resilience and overcoming imposter syndrome or writer’s block
- Finding a clear direction when you feel stuck
- Learning effective writing and research strategies
- Organizing your writing process
- Learning ways to monitor your progress
- Demystifying aspects of the grad school journey
- And more!
Graduate Write-A-Thon
Returning in Winter 2025
TMU graduate students, let’s spend the day writing together!
Writing doesn't need to be so daunting. Building community can help. This Graduate Write-a-thon is our chance to get down to writing, together.
Whether you’re writing a paper, editing a proposal, or revising a thesis, we invite you to join us for intensive writing time, individual support, and camaraderie!
Immerse yourself in your work in a quiet, virtual distraction-free setting. Enjoy dedicated writing space and time, individual support, and a community of peers committed to the same goal.
Bring your work, and we will provide a structure and support, as well as lunch, coffee, and snacks.
Weekly Coffee & Writing Group: Wednesdays 2-4 p.m.
Coffee and Writing sessions provide a distraction-free atmosphere for graduate students to make progress on their writing with the support of an expert writing tutor who will help participants move through any specific writing blocks. Participants are encouraged to turn off their phones and notifications for two hours and join these silent graduate writing sessions.
A dedicated study area for graduate students is available on the 7th floor of the Student Learning Centre (SLC) at Yonge and Gould.
SLC Graduate Study Room
Graduate students can access the SLC Graduate Study Room (SLC-713) using their OneCard. Nicknamed “The Forest,” the seventh floor of the SLC also features a large Silent Study Room (SLC-720) and 30 bookable Collaborative and Group Work Rooms (CGWRs).
You no longer need to book a desk before arrival. Desks will be first come first serve. CGWRs will continue to be bookable spaces at half capacity.
Everyone entering the SLC will need:
International Relations can help you gain knowledge of another culture, experience new approaches to your subject and return home with greater insight into the world at large.
Students who participate in international education activities not only work towards a degree but also act as important ambassadors – bringing Toronto Metropolitan to the world and bringing the world to Toronto Metropolitan.
Toronto Metropolitan students who spend time studying or working overseas frequently reflect on the experience as a highlight of their university career.
The ServiceHub in the Podium building is an integrated hub of Registrar's services and support including:
- tuition and fee payments
- enrolment services
- financial assistance (including OSAP administration)
Client Service Ambassadors are available in-person, on the phone and online to answer your inquiries and support you from admission to graduation.
Career and professional development services
The Career Boost Graduate program aims to meet the unique employment needs from our academic and administrative departments seeking graduate student talents while creating an opportunity for our graduate students to gain valuable work experiences.
Visit the Career Boost Graduate Program website for more information on job postings, program details and significant dates. Contact the Career Boost program at for questions on the job postings.
Student Financial Assistance website provides information on eligibility requirements, how to apply, application deadlines, and more! Contact the Student Financial Assistance team at for further questions.
At the TorontoMet Career, Co-op & Student Success Centre, we build careers for life. We will provide you with innovative career assessment and development skills so you can excel in the workplace now and throughout your career.
Book an appointment via email with one of our specialists dedicated to working with graduate students and postdocs or attend one of our many career education workshops/webinars and employer events, to get the support you need. You can also check out our resources online (external link) , including our award-winning Career Compass and Career Resource Hub.
The Future Smart program is designed to equip graduate students with professional skills needed to transition into successful careers.
With an expansive selection of program partners and offerings, Future Smart will complement your grad degree with essential skills for the real world. Online options available.
Career Education Specialists are available for graduate career advising through 1-1 appointments, workshops and events. Topics include, but are not limited to, job search, networking strategies, resumé and CV review, personal branding (on- and offline) and mock interviews.
As a graduate student, you have automatically been granted access to GRADCentral on D2L. A comprehensive online hub of professional, teaching and career development resources to complement your graduate academic training and assist with your transition to academic and/or industry career pathways.
The Graduate Leadership Institute is an exciting initiative that aims to transform scholars into influencers. Director Dr. Wilson Leung empowers graduate students with leadership capacity in order to impact our city, country and world.
Leadership advising appointments, workshops and Future Smart credits are available to graduate students.
TMU business cards can be ordered by full-time graduate students. The cost per box is $30 (one-sided) or $40 (two-sided).
Visit the online ordering portal (external link) . (PDF file) See online ordering instructions.
The Toronto Metropolitan University Library is located in the heart of the campus in the Library building (2nd floor, 350 Victoria St.).
The collection includes over 500,000 books and more than $3 million is spent annually to support electronic resources (nearly 45,000 e-journals, 165,000 e-books, databases and indexes, geospatial data and catalogued websites or electronic documents). Many course readings are available online and can be accessed through D2L Brightspace.
Graduate students have access to free membership to the NCFDD (external link) , an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community. More information and registration instructions.
Regardless of your program and year of study, Toronto Metropolitan University has a diverse set of on-campus job opportunities available to you. Faculties and departments are regularly looking for talented and engaged students to fill a wide variety of positions including research, peer advising, administrative, technology-based, and social media jobs, and much more.
On-campus opportunities through TorontoMet Career, Co-op & Student Success Centre
The TorontoMet Career, Co-op & Student Success Centre offers key job search resources and links to online job postings, including Toronto Metropolitan's job board, Magnet (external link) .
Offered by the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, the voluntary Graduate Teaching Development Program is designed to:
- Provide professional development in teaching for Toronto Metropolitan University Graduate Students and Graduate Assistants (GAs)
- Provide opportunities for Toronto Metropolitan University Graduate Students and GAs to become more effective in their work at Toronto Metropolitan University and to mentor others
- Provide a certificate in learning and teaching upon completion of each of three levels of this program
The Tri-Mentoring Program’s (TMP) educational priority is to mentor each student using their individual experience to find their sense of belonging on campus. The “tri” represents our peer-to-peer, career and group mentoring activities.
Mentorship opportunities for graduate students:
- Career Mentoring: Through Career Mentoring, students in their third year or above are matched with an industry professional for guidance and encouragement in progressing towards their goals.
- GRADMentors: The program pairs graduate students with undergraduate students who are interested in further graduate studies, as well as to discuss strategies for academic success now and in the future.
Inclusion and wellness services
Accessibility is a university-wide initiative with a goal of removing barriers to the full participation of all community members with disabilities. We are committed to transforming Toronto Metropolitan University into a barrier-free leader in accessibility.
Recreation at Toronto Metropolitan University creates opportunities for you to participate in fitness classes, organized intramurals, varsity athletics, open recreation gym time, workshops, seminars and much more.
Toronto Metropolitan University has two athletic facilities to serve your needs:
- the Recreation and Athletic Centre (RAC)
- the Mattamy Athletic Centre at the Gardens (MAC).
You also receive free admission to all TMU Bold (external link) basketball, hockey, soccer and volleyball home games. Join the loudest student section in Ontario University Athletics and cheer the Rams to victory!
The Centre for Student Development and Counselling offers free, confidential counselling services in a professional and safe environment.
The Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education works from the premise that consent comes first. Services include referrals to counselling and medical services, safety planning, academic and workplace accommodations, self-care resources and advocacy.
Proudly diverse and intentionally inclusive, Toronto Metropolitan University is committed to community engagement, action, inclusion, respect for Aboriginal perspectives, equity, diversity and putting people first.
The Office of the Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI) collaborates across campus to make Toronto Metropolitan University a truly inclusive place to learn and work. A variety of community networks, equity-related workshops and events are available to Toronto Metropolitan University students, faculty, staff and community members through the academic year.
Hello! N’it! Ahnee! Tansi! She:gon! The Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is committed to providing supports for Indigenous graduate students in all faculties. Learn more about supports for graduate research and community resources offered to Indigenous learners in our Indigenous Graduate Education portal.
Gdoo-maawnjidimi Mompii Indigenous Student Services provides a culturally encouraging environment and serves as a place to balance academic learning with traditional teachings and culture. We provide specialized services for Aboriginal, Métis and Inuit students on campus and develop a productive relationship between Toronto Metropolitan University and the Aboriginal community.
Feeling overwhelmed by your MRP or thesis? Need someone to talk to? Counselling services are available by booking an appointment via 416-979-5195 or
All full-time graduate students at Toronto Metropolitan University are automatically covered under the RSUs Health and Dental Plan (external link) . The Plan offers extended health and dental insurance coverage for one year from September 1 to August 31.
Full-time students who start in September are charged an annual fee for the Plan on their Toronto Metropolitan University tuition fee statement. Students who begin in January are charged a pro-rated amount. Coverage for these students is from January 1 to August 31.
International Students see University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).
Human Rights Services promotes a study, work and living environment free of discrimination and harassment.
The Medical Centre is a medical clinic which provides currently registered Toronto Metropolitan students, staff and faculty, with a wide range of medical services that you would normally expect to receive from your family physician. This includes the treatment of illnesses, such as colds or the flu, to routine examinations like annual physicals and internal examinations. You must book an appointment to see the doctor.
TMU Safe is the university’s new tool for mass notification that sends alerts in urgent situations posing an immediate safety or security risk to the community. Alerts are broadcast on six communications channels including a mobile app and text messages.
The Student Care office administers the (PDF file) Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct and provides advice to faculty, staff and students concerned about the behaviour of a student and disruptive classroom conduct. If you run into difficulties, it is essential that you deal with the situation as soon as possible, particularly situations that affect your academic performance. Unresolved problems generally get worse, and, in some cases, you must deal with certain types of concerns before a specific deadline.
Student Wellbeing encompasses a variety of health, well-being, and academic services and supports at Toronto Metropolitan that reflect on a university community that is fully committed and engaged in developing and sustaining supportive environments that foster well-being and academic success. Learn more about what services and resources are available.
The goal of the ThriveTMU initiative in Student Affairs is to provide training and resources to Toronto Metropolitan students, faculty and staff in order to teach the skills associated with resilience, well-being and thriving in both an academic and personal context.
The Walk Safe Program provides the Toronto Metropolitan community with a protected escort by security officers or supervisors 24 hours a day to any location on the Toronto Metropolitan campus, to the Dundas subway or to nearby parking lots off-campus.
To request an escort, call Security and Emergency Services at 416-979-5040 or by pressing the yellow button on any campus payphone or ext. 5040 from any internal phone.
International student support
International Student Support (ISS) is the home away from home for all international students. ISS provides both transformative and transactional support for students’ personal growth. Staff in ISS are specialized in providing immigration advising, transitional and academic and social adjustment support, and student life skills development programming.
Housing support
Are you currently or planning to rent in Toronto? Toronto Metropolitan University's Off-Campus Housing Office can help! We're here to educate and support all TMU students in their off-campus housing experience.
Located in Pitman Hall, the office offers guidance and support for renting in Toronto. From finding safe and affordable rentals, signing leases, understanding your tenant rights and resolving landlord issues, this free service is available to all graduate students throughout their time at Toronto Metropolitan.
Learning, research and teaching opportunities
The Jack Layton Leadership School aims to build the leadership capacity of students to effect social change. The school engages community members and faculty in social justice issues through storytelling, engaging in creative arts workshops, panel discussions, lectures, and community tours. Network with leaders to work on a shared vision of justice based on anti-racist, feminist, Indigenous, queer, anti-poverty and reflective approaches. No prior experience is necessary, only a commitment to social change.
The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is Toronto Metropolitan University’s central research administration office. The office is responsible for advancing the research agenda at Toronto Metropolitan University and works with faculty, government and industry to help foster the creation of new knowledge and the establishment of innovative partnerships.
As a Research Assistant (RA), students assist principal investigators in conducting research activities not related to the student’s studies. The minimum rate of pay is defined by the Granting Council (SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR) or organization/institution which is funding the principal investigator. When that institution is Toronto Metropolitan University, the minimum rate of pay is defined in the OPSEU Collective Agreement, Article 14, Section 14.06. The terms of employment of graduate students will be consistent with this collective agreement. However, the minimum recommended rate of pay for graduate students is the rate at which Graduate (Teaching) Assistants are paid, which is outlined in the CUPE 3 Collective Agreement.
Contact your program for details about program-specific RA positions.
Teaching development is a primary resource area within the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Through a collaborative approach, the Centre fosters a community dedicated to big thinking about curriculum, pedagogy and creative ways of developing inclusive teaching practices that enrich the student learning experience.
At Toronto Metropolitan University, a teaching assistant (TA) or graduate assistant (GA) refers to a graduate student who is employed to assist with teaching or related duties. The student is a Toronto Metropolitan University student currently enrolled on a full-time basis in one of the university’s Master’s or PhD programs.
This type of employment opportunity is typically offered by a department or school. Full-time graduate students can be employed for a maximum of 10 hours per week. The rate of pay can be found on the Human Resources (HR) website in the CUPE Local 3904 Unit 3 Collective Agreement. Students may be offered a GA position by their program, and/or the positions will be posted on the HR website. Terms of employment of graduate students will be consistent with the collective agreements between the university and its employee groups.
Teaching Development offers a number of ongoing supports and resources for TAs and GAs.
Zone Learning is a new model of experiential learning built to allow students to apply their degree coursework to real world startups, causes, companies, projects or ventures.
The 10 zones form a community of incubators or spaces where people come together to brainstorm, kickstart projects, and build startups. Zone Learning members have the opportunity to: grow their network, gain experience, build their résumé and even access funding. The Zone Learning community is open to all, and is often especially useful for graduate students.
Zones of interest to graduate students:
- SCI888 (Science Discovery Zone)
- BACE Program (Biomedical Zone)
- Lab2Market (external link) (iBoost Zone)
- VOLT Program (iBoost Zone)
Intellectual Property and other relevant topics and events
Other TMU services
Toronto Metropolitan University Alumni aims to create a lifelong connection between alumni and the University by offering valuable services like a discount program, professional development, and volunteer opportunities that allow alumni to stay connected to Toronto Metropolitan.
Toronto Metropolitan University HR provides human resource solutions, programs and services. This includes new employee information, employee and manager resources and equity processes.
As an educational institution, there are plenty of options available for continued learning. Visit Benefit Summaries and select your employee group to learn about your coverage. If you're a current employee you can find more in AskHR and prospective employees can reach out to Human Resources.
The Office of the Ombudsperson is a place for students to raise concerns which they have been unable to resolve themselves. Students can bring forward their concerns in confidence to the Ombudsperson’s office with the knowledge that they will not be disclosed, unless the student provides permission for this to happen.
As an impartial office, the Ombudsperson considers the perspective of both the student and the University in all cases brought to its attention. The Ombudsperson’s Office is independent of the University, all administrative structures and the student government.
Contact the office If you believe you have been treated unfairly, if you are not sure what your options are, or if you would like to discuss how a Toronto Metropolitan policy or procedure applies to your situation.
Toronto Metropolitan University Business Services (UBS) provides a number of different services to students, staff, faculty and guests of the University, including the campus store, parking, TMU Eats and more.