President’s Awards to Champion Equity

Mohamed Lachemi, President and Vice-Chancellor
My journey to the President’s office started in a small village in Africa.
I worked hard and showed promise – but I could not have realized that promise without the help of many people who came together to ensure I had the opportunity.
And while my path might be unique, I know my story is not. Many of us who enjoy success today were helped along by people who removed some of the obstacles to our progress.
Now we can be the ones to clear the paths for others and encourage excellence.
Help me make this happen for promising young talent. That person may be the first in their family to attend university. They might be an international student, a racialized student, a 2SLGBTQIA+ student, a student with a disability. She may also be a woman in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) – or from another underrepresented group.
Open the door to Education and Opportunity
At every stage of my career, I have seen how valuable support from friends and alumni is to our ability to shape student success and encourage excellence. Many students arrive at Toronto Metropolitan University with distinct challenges – many others don’t arrive at all because of them.
As my story illustrates, post-secondary education can be life-changing. That promise is particularly true for students marginalized by economic, social or cultural circumstances.
Your support to the PACE fund can build scholarships, bursaries and awards that open new pathways for students and provide the lift to help these students soar.